Bug 560069 - Fix projects index and retrieve
Created by: ericpoirier
Change-Id: I03df500e986d2a48f823ce0fa35a6653af168ed7 Signed-off-by: Eric Poirier eric.poirier@eclipse-foundation.org
Merge request reports
There is still a few things missing from my issue:
- Result definition should be moved to response section: https://api.eclipse.org/#tag/Projects
To clarify, I expecting you to remove the result definition from the description and move it to the response schema.
I also don't understand why the values in the response schema are mark as required. Does this mean that these field will never be empty?
- Fix typos such as spec_project_working_group="" in the query params section
This seems to be done, thanks!
- Missing description for response headers
I think we should add a bit of information here on what this is. Please make sure to create a re-usable components since this info is the same for most of our API calls.
- Project params: add in one or two very specific (i.e., full path) examples for how to fetch a specific project. It's not clear to users that they need to replace periods with underscore
Folks are expecting to pass values with a dot. We need to explain that dots must be replaced by underscores. Wayne would also like to see 1 or 2 url example here.
- missing description for some query params
This looks like it's done!