Resolve "Enabling Coverage through BDD Tests"
Closes #2 (closed)
Collect code coverage during runtime e2e test executions (BDD). This concrete example provide proof of concept how to make it.
How to reproduce
All is based on idea presented here
Just follow from the BDD repo.
# if unittest fails on external data calls # -Dmaven.test.skip=true
make assembly-tcr-jars
Download jar agent and jar report.
# TODO: integrate this with maven if possible
make jacoco-1-download_wip
Start the server with the jacoco aggent
make jacoco-2-start-tcr-server_wip
Hit the server with test requests, e.g.
$ curl http://localhost:16100/actuator/health
# make run_all_bdd_dev
Generate html for people and xml report for Jenkins.
make jacoco-3-report_wip
Evaluate the report
open submodule/trusted-content-resolver/service/coverage/index.html
Overall data
Concrete Coverage in java class
How to bring this feature in train K8s ?
> cat BDD/submodule/trusted-content-resolver/service/Dockerfile
FROM bellsoft/liberica-openjdk-alpine:21
COPY /target/trusted-content-resolver-service-*.jar trusted-content-resolver-service.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar","/trusted-content-resolver-service.jar"]
We can extend the existing dockerfile
> cat BDD/submodule/trusted-content-resolver/service/Dockerfile.withAgent
FROM tcr-server
COPY /target/jar/jacoco-*.jar .
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-javaagent:jars/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.9-runtime.jar", "-jar","/trusted-content-resolver-service.jar"]
And testing with jenkins for CI only with tcr-server-with-agent, but for performance testing use just tcr-server.
We will need to have a common shared folder between: Jenkins-tcr-tspa to be able to access jacoco.exec for java and .coverage for python ... See the follow up ticket #3