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Fix overwrite of shacl files with same name but different ecosystems

Current situation: If two shacl files with same file name but different ecosystems exist, one file will be overwritten. This happens in the process of converting the shacl files from .ttl to .json. The cause is that all converted files are written in the processed directory without distinguishing the ecosystem the file belongs to. The concrete problem is that two files named ServiceOffering.ttl exist in both directory and one is overwriting the other one.


  • New subfolders in the "processed" directory representing each ecosystem. Write the converted shacl files to the ecosystem directory it belongs to.
  • There was a typo in .gitignore which caused that the processed directory with the generated files have been added to the repo. Fixed the typo and removed the generated files.

Note: There is currently a static part in the src/main/java/eu/gaiax/sdcreationwizard/api/ which should be refactored because in the current state it is not testable. Refactoring was omitted not to bloat this Merge request.

Caution: There is a breaking change that causes also a merge request for the SD Creation Wizard Frontend.

closes issue #21 (closed)

Signed-off-by: Stefanie Schreiner

Edited by Stefanie Schreiner

Merge request reports