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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Feb 08, 2024
    • Marvin Berstecher's avatar
      parent d982ef96 · 825adb6d
      Marvin Berstecher authored
      author Marvin Berstecher <> 1700818054 +0100
      committer Marvin Berstecher <> 1707381044 +0100
      parent d982ef96
      author Marvin Berstecher <> 1700818054 +0100
      committer Marvin Berstecher <> 1707381035 +0100
      change git ignore and update make file
      changed uniffi version
      changed library path
      changed makefile
      update readme
      fix typo
      add docker file adn docker compose file
      change host
      cassandra first implementation
      added air and added instances
      add message controller
      config air
      added unpacking of messages
      add installation for air
      ignore dirty submodules
      move swagger description to main, add swagger generation to make file and add message controller
      remove not needed mediator controller
      Add callbacks for packencrypted
      new swagger docs
      add uuid
      same did in doc and service
      coordinate mediation handler deny message
      out sourced unpack function
      move unpack message in utils
      remove typo
      implemented peerdid
      added multibase to go mod
      add go get to make file
      and install command and install swagger
      secrets resolver
      initalise secrets map
      store secrets in peer did creation
      add inital helm charts
      remove hello world controller
      add recipient update and response for coordinate mediation
      description adjusted
      gocql added
      add channel direction
      add recipient query
      stop hotreload of air when error
      didresolver and secretsresolver
      further secret resolver
      added multicodec prefix to peerdid
      add todo
      add universal resolver to docker compose
      uncapitalize error string
      changed folder structure and implemented correct pack and unpack behavior
      added error messages and some refactoring
      added database adapter and demo database
      added database model and some queries
      remove not needed console logs
      add return in error handling
      add function to get routing keys to db adapter
      implement getRoutinkey in demo db adapter
      get routing keys fromt db in recipient update
      add function to db adapter for routing keys
      restructure  update function
      add requires
      add tests for coordinate mediaton reciepient update
      add plaintext
      remove function from struct
      add http file to test requests
      add variable to http file
      add test for unknown update action
      ignore data base logs
      env-vars config + getter added
      small routes.go adjustments
      cassandra demo service added
      cassandraDemoService implemented in the controller
      additional standart config files added
      use db in all request, add or remove todos
      add synchronization websocket
      changed folder structure and used global application struct
      added slogger
      PR 4822 ([Feature] Added invitation protocol) gemergt
      Out of band invitation are now possible. It is reachable under /message/invitation/.
      Replies plain text like this
      which is decoded
          "body": {
              "accept": [
              "goal": "RequestMediate",
              "goal_code": "request-mediate",
              "label": "Mediator"
          "from": "did:peer:2.Ez6LSc19SfftNpBDVqcd8NQtef2vinvR3W8s1wVeoYzwy5yiw.Vz6Mkno2XmnAxWb7YbyDJw9hmqWcTuAwQKbtaiw9tjqRjDvMz.SeyJ0IjoiZG0iLCJzIjp7InVyaSI6Imh0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6OTA5MC9tZXNzYWdlL3JlY2VpdmUiLCJhIjpbImRpZGNvbW0vdjIiXSwiciI6W119fQ",
          "id": "8f782f35-942a-4e07-86a4-18e2df045c44",
          "typ": "application/didcomm-plain+json",
          "type": ""
      where "from" is the peer did of the mediator
      PR 4825 (Debug configuration) gemergt
      - add files for debugging
        -  `setting.json` and `launch.json`
      PR 4827 (DIDComm Trust Ping) gemergt
      - add trust ping protocol (with tests)
      - add missing error handling
      drafted database model
      deleted database files
      added temporary database instance to run the script after starting the primary one
      PR 4830 (Requestes changes) gemergt
      - better describe connection state
      - use const vars
      - remove not needed brackets
      split callbacks into multiple files
      PR 4841 (14656-Message-forwarding 14466-Mediator-Inbox 14462-Message-Pickup Problem-Reports Invitation) gemergt
      new Features
      1. Message forwarding
      2. Mediator Inbox
      3. Message Pickup
      4. Problem Reports
      5. Invitation
      Verwandte Arbeitselemente: 14462, 14466, 14656
      PR 4854 (14790: Callback return values) gemergt
      - change return value of "new" methods for callbacks
      Verwandte Arbeitselemente: 14790
      PR 4849 (14820: Change viper config ) gemergt
      - use `yaml` config file
      - add new viper config with config file,
      - decide with config which db is used
      - decide with config if message encrypted or not
      - use url of config in did resolver
      - add logging with config
      - replace app logger with config logger
      - rename mediator config to mediator secrets
      Verwandte Arbeitselemente: 14820
      Merged PR 4856: [Hotfix] fixed failing encryption, secrets were not stored correctly
      fixed failing encryption, secrets were not stored correctly
      PR 4857 (14791: smaller docker image) gemergt
      - update docker file to get smaller image
      - add docker commands in make file
      Verwandte Arbeitselemente: 14791
      Merged PR 4858: [14467] Mediator Outbox
      The mediator is realized by the forward method. It is now possible to forward outgoing message of mediatees.
      Merged PR 4859: [14644] Communication Adapter Didcomm
      At the moment the adapter is not module but hardly implemented. Next step is to replace this with an adapter. Should be done when the nats adapter is implemented
      Related work items: #14290
      Merged PR 4862: Database Adapter
      Database Adapter for protocols and Secrets Resolver added
      PR 4870 (Mediator did creation) gemergt
      - create mediator did if it does not already exist
      - move demo did and demo secrets to demo adapter
      Verwandte Arbeitselemente: 14471
      added initial helm chart configuration
      PR 4871 (14797: Store mediator DID) gemergt
      - add store method for mediator DID
      - add error handling
      Info: Completion of MR !4870
      Verwandte Arbeitselemente: 14471, 14797
      PR 4873 (14771: Mediator DID) gemergt
      - fix error
      Verwandte Arbeitselemente: 14471, 14797
      PR 4875 (14791: Rust lib docker file) gemergt
      - add stage to docker file to build rust lib
      - add clean command in make file
      Verwandte Arbeitselemente: 14791
      PR 4883 ([14477] Create Connection Invitation) gemergt
      - add create connection invitaion to connect User and DIDCommConnector over cPCM
      - add migration for cassandra DB
      Verwandte Arbeitselemente: 14477
      PR 4886 ([14657] Communication Adapter) gemergt
      - add initial cloud communication adapter
      - use cloud event provider
      - use release mode for router if `env` is `PROD` in config
      Verwandte Arbeitselemente: 14465, 14657
      PR 4889 ([14789] Move dockerfile) gemergt
      - move docker file to `/deployment/docker`
      - remove not needed folder development
      - adjust make file
      Verwandte Arbeitselemente: 14789
      Initial commit
      Sprint 1 & 2: DIDComm Mediation Request
      Sprint 3
      Sprint 5