Support state-of-the-art Signatures for Gaia-X Credentials
The Catalogue currently only supports Verifiable Presentations/Credentials signed with its own, self-made, poor man's implementation of a signer, which is not trustworthy because it always acts as the same Participant.
The state of the art is that people create credentials using either
- the Gaia-X Lab Wizard (deployed, source)
- In case this Wizard assumes slightly different schemas, it will not be a problem to pre-load accordingly adapted schemas into the default installation of the Catalogue.
- the XFSC Identity & Trust Services, including the Trust Services API (TSA) Signer (XFSC source)
- TSA can sign actually sign twice (VC and VP) and will be evolved in Spec v2.
- Note: the full integration of the Catalogue with the other XFSCs is partly outlined in the GXFS Integration documentation, further material – in the specification stage will follow with the Portal Spec v2 to be released soon, but this is not yet implemented so cannot be taken into account to the first pragmatic steps regarding the Catalogue.
Finally, verify that whatever signed credentials we test with, and/or provide as examples, are accepted both
- by the Gaia-X Compliance Service, and
- by the verification module of the XFSC Catalogue.
Edited by Denis Sukhoroslov