balaskoa authored
balaskoa <Jeno.Balasko@ericsson.com> Change-Id: Iad00a77290026d15ac700c4cb880929e84d4bc3b
balaskoa authoredSigned-off-by:
balaskoa <Jeno.Balasko@ericsson.com> Change-Id: Iad00a77290026d15ac700c4cb880929e84d4bc3b
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Makefile 4.46 KiB
# Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-2.0/EPL-2.0.html
# Contributors:
# Balasko, Jeno
# Baranyi, Botond
# Beres, Szabolcs
# Czerman, Oliver
# Delic, Adam
# Dimitrov, Peter
# Forstner, Matyas
# Godar, Marton
# Hanko, Matyas
# Koppany, Csaba
# Kovacs, Ferenc
# Lovassy, Arpad
# Ormandi, Matyas
# Raduly, Csaba
# Szabados, Kristof
# Szabo, Bence Janos
# Szabo, Janos Zoltan – initial implementation
# Szalai, Gabor
# Tatarka, Gabor
# Zalanyi, Balazs Andor
# Settings for the regression test
include $(TOPDIR)/Makefile.regression
DIRS := intOper boolOper floatOper bitstrOper octetstrOper charOper charstrOper \
verdictOper recordOper recofOper setOper setofOper setofMatch unionOper \
enumOper arrayOper anytypeOper templateInt templateBool templateFloat templateBitstr \
templateHexstr templateOctetstr templateChar templateCharstr templateUnicharstr \
templateRec templateRec_nolegacy templateRecof templateSet templateSetof templateUnion templateEnum modifiedTemplate \
basicStatem configOper commMessage commProcedure lostTimer controlTimer \
EncodeDecode ASN1 predefFunction ERC preCompilerFlags functionReference \
nonMandatoryPar logFiles logger_control namedActualParameters \
assignmentNotation omitdef anytype implicitMsgEncoding pattern_quadruples \
macros visibility hexstrOper ucharstrOper objidOper CRTR00015758 slider \
XML ipv6 implicitOmit testcase_defparam transparent HQ16404 cfgFile \
all_from lazyEval tryCatch text2ttcn ttcn2json profiler templateOmit \
customEncoding makefilegen uidChars checkstate hostid templateIstemplatekind \
selectUnion templateExclusiveRange any_from templatePatternRef indexWithRecofArray \
connectMapOperTest fuzzy portTranslation ischosen functionSubref done \
nondeterministicDefaultParam predefFunction2 realtime portTranslationCentralStorage \
locale oop
ifdef DYN
DIRS += loggerplugin junitlogger
ifdef RT2
DIRS += typeCompat negativeTest templateConcat
DIRS += LTTngUSTLogger
DIRS += multipleEncodings
# List of fake targets:
.PHONY: all dep clean run $(DIRS) $(addsuffix /, $(DIRS)) coverage compileonly
# Export all variables to the sub-directories.
all dep clean distclean:
$(MAKE) -C compileonly $@
for dir in $(DIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$dir $@ || exit; done
$(RM) report.txt
$(RM) build.txt
for dir in $(DIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$dir $@ || exit; done
# It is assumed, that the TITAN sources are available in `..'. Please note,
# that if TITAN was compiled with coverage enabled, only this target will
# work properly.
$(LCOV_DIR)/bin/lcov -d .. -z
make report LCOV=1
$(LCOV_DIR)/bin/lcov -d .. -c -o regtest_coverage.info
$(LCOV_DIR)/bin/genhtml -o regtest_coverage -t "TITAN Regression Test Coverage" regtest_coverage.info
compileonly $(DIRS) $(addsuffix /, $(DIRS)):
ifeq ($(DEBUG), yes)
bash -c 'set -o pipefail; $(MAKE) -C $@ 2>&1 | tee current_build.txt'
@if [ -f build.txt ]; \
then cat build.txt current_build.txt > build_result.txt; rm current_build.txt; mv build_result.txt build.txt; \
else mv current_build.txt build.txt; fi
$(MAKE) -C $@
# Build in parallel
parallel build-par: compileonly $(DIRS)
ifeq ($(DEBUG), yes)
@echo "--------------------------------------"
@echo "List of memory leaks during the build:"
@echo "--------------------------------------"
@perl vcheck.pl build.txt
# To generate a report:
# First, build everything (incl. compileonly); possibly in parallel.
# Then, run the runnable tests in sequence (avoids garbled output).
report.txt: parallel
bash -c 'set -o pipefail; $(MAKE) run 2>&1 | tee report.txt'
report: report.txt
@echo "----------------------------------"
@echo "List of tests not 100% successful:"
@echo "----------------------------------"
@perl vcheck.pl report.txt
$(MAKE) -C .. $@
$(MAKE) clean 'DIRS=$(filter-out $(TESTDIRS), $(DIRS))'
./prereq.pl ${MAKELEVEL}
ln -s $(TOPDIR)/../$(@F) $(TOPDIR)/
unexport DIRS
include Makefile.regression