* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Balasko, Jeno
* Bibo, Zoltan
* Delic, Adam
* Forstner, Matyas
* Gecse, Roland
* Raduly, Csaba
* Szabo, Janos Zoltan – initial implementation
* Tatarka, Gabor
#include "Real.hh"
#include "string.hh"
#include "error.h"
#include "Setting.hh"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <cmath>
namespace Common {
bool isSpecialFloatValue(const Real& r)
return ((r!=r) || (r==REAL_INFINITY) || (r==-REAL_INFINITY));
string Real2string(const Real& r)
if (r == 0.0) return ((1.0/r)==-REAL_INFINITY) ? string("-0.0e0") : string("0.0e0");
else if (r == REAL_INFINITY) return string("INF");
else if (r == -REAL_INFINITY) return string("-INF");
else if (r != r) return string("NaN");
Real rabs = fabs(r);
int sign = (r / rabs < 0) ? -1 : 1;
double exponent = floor(log10(rabs));
double fraction = rabs * pow(10.0, -exponent);
double integral = floor(fraction);
char tmp[64];
sprintf(tmp, "%s%.15g%se%d",
(sign == -1) ? "-" : "",
(fraction == integral) ? ".0" : "",
return string(tmp);
string Real2code(const Real& r)
if (r == 0.0) return ((1.0/r)==-REAL_INFINITY) ? string("-0.0") : string("0.0");
else if (r == REAL_INFINITY) return string("PLUS_INFINITY");
else if (r == -REAL_INFINITY) return string("MINUS_INFINITY");
else if (r != r) return string("NOT_A_NUMBER");
else {
Real rabs = fabs(r);
Real exponent = floor(log10(rabs));
Real mantissa = rabs * pow(10.0, -exponent);
char *tmp = mprintf("%s%.15g", r < 0.0 ? "-" : "", mantissa);
if (floor(mantissa) == mantissa) tmp = mputstr(tmp, ".0");
if (exponent != 0.0) tmp = mputprintf(tmp, "e%d", (int)exponent);
string ret_val(tmp);
return ret_val;
Real string2Real(const char *s, const Location& loc)
if (s[0] == '\0' || !strcmp(s, "0.0e0")) return 0.0;
else if (!strcmp(s, "-INF")) return -REAL_INFINITY;
else if (!strcmp(s, "INF")) return REAL_INFINITY;
else if (!strcmp(s, "NaN")) return REAL_NAN;
errno = 0;
Real r = strtod(s, NULL);
switch (errno) {
case ERANGE:
loc.error("Overflow when converting `%s' to a floating point value: %s",
s, strerror(errno));
case 0:
FATAL_ERROR("string2Real(): Unexpected error when converting `%s' to real: %s",
s, strerror(errno));
return r;
} // namespace Common