#7 [Sirius][Sequence] Addition of Sequence diagram concepts
This Merge Request adds the remaining concept to the Papyrus Sirius Sequence diagram.
It depends on the merge of the Papyrus UML Service merge request: org.eclipse.papyrus-domainservices!39
Make sure to have the last Sirius stable : https://download.eclipse.org/sirius/updates/stable/7.4.6-S20241219-090931/2023-03/
Identified issues:
The Class or Property DnD on lifeline is not yet implementedThe Covered by ordering is not yet properly handled- T
he Execution reordering from bottom to top on a message leads to a graphical issue - When applying the InteractionUse tool on the diagram blank, the tool is not applied
- Automatic tests are not yet fully implemented
- The documentation is not yet available
Edited by Florian Barbin