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Add logical lanes to the chunking procedure

The chunking procedure includes the logical lanes as a preparation step for publishing them in the ground truth message in a separate issue.

The parsed logical lanes are retrieved from the gt-gen-map and processed in the following way: for each logical lane, consider its left and right logical lane boundaries and write the entire logical lane to a given chunk if one of the logical lane boundaries crosses the cell represented by the chunk in question.

In this implementation, the logical lanes are not grouped together with other logical lanes, with reference lines, with logical lane boundaries or with the physical lanes. This means that there is no guarantee that if a single chunk contains a given logical lane, then the same chunk will also contain:

  • The lane groups with the physical lanes referenced by map_api::physical_lane_references
  • The logical lanes referenced by map_api::LogicalLane::right_adjacent_lanes
  • The logical lanes referenced by map_api::LogicalLane::left_adjacent_lanes
  • The logical lanes referenced by map_api::LogicalLane::overlapping_lanes
  • The logical lanes referenced by map_api::LogicalLane::predecessor_lanes
  • The logical lanes referenced by map_api::LogicalLane::successor_lanes
  • The reference line referenced by map_api::LogicalLane::reference_line
  • The logical boundary lines referenced by map_api::LogicalLane::right_boundaries
  • The logical boundary lines referenced by map_api::LogicalLane::left_boundaries

Note: From a given logical lane, all of the members above are still accessible given that the osi3::LogicalLane contains all of these references.


Edited by Andriy Hryn

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