Tobias Stummer authored
Commit contains all backend tasks for the project ramp-up phase. [TOB-97] chor: Add initial backend project setup. [TOB-106] feat: basic session and version REST-IF. - added /userinfo interface that provides user details and roles - added /keepalive-session interface that extends jwt validity - added /versioninfo interface that provides service name and version - added /logout interface to invalidate the jwt token [TOB-106] feat: basic session and version REST-IF. - added openapi.yaml containing basic interface definition - cleaned up response types of the basic interface implementation to match the definition [TOB-106] feat: basic session and version REST-IF. - added deploy folder containing a keycloak test user setup script - added role guards for /logout, /userinfo, /version and /logout interfaces [TOB112, TOB113, TOB114] feat: Dashboard Backend. - added jpa database models for TblStatement, TblContact and TblAttachment - added TblStatementRepository to access the TblStatement database - added StatementService as a central service to access and manipulate Statements - added StatementController for providing REST interfaces to access and manipulate Statements - added StatementOverviewService as a central service to list and search statements - added StatementOverviewController for providing REST interfaces to list and search statements - Removed Requirement for valid Token to access the /version REST interface - added Tests to verify the already implemented REST interfaces of the StatementController and the StatementOverviewController - Added database parameters to the application.yml [TOB119, TOB120] feat: Neue Stellungnahmen Backend - added View models of Statment and Attachment - added Controller classes that provide REST interfaces to create read statements and attachments - added utility to convert common datatypes to and from string representation. (e.g. LocalDate) - added StatementService to access and manage statements and therir attachments. - added JPA Entities for attachment, statement and contacts - added Tests to verify the new statment and attachment rest interfaces - added Tests to verify the StatmentService - minor cleanup, code and comments - added sql helper to create the initial database tables [TOB 112] fix: Set statement title value on GET - StatementDetailModel title was not set correctly. [TOB-124] feat: Added external libs to NOTICE.md - added references to external libraries to NOTICE.md - cleaned up the legal headers of own code, where EPL 2.0 was missing [TOB-121, TOB-122, TOB-124] SW-Architecture - Added initial architecture documentation based on the arc42 template - documentation currently contains a list of used ok-modules, used third party libraries and their licences - documentation contains a container diagram for the Statment Public Affairs module to show the communication between the main internal components and the external modules. Signed-off-by: Tobias Stummer <stummer@develop-group.de>
This project is licensed under the Eclipse Public License 2.0.
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