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openharmony-standard_3.0: allow devtool to properly unpack sources

Francesco Pham requested to merge devtool into kirkstone

hilog-Add-tests.patch: apply patch in the base/hiviewdfx/hilog subdir

regenerate patch from the ${S}/base/hiviewdfx/hilog patch directory, and apply the patch to the subdirectory. This allows devtool modify openharmony standard to properly apply the patch in the external workspace.

openharmony-standard-sources-3.0: move OH_GRALLOC_TMP_DIR

move OH_GRALLOC_TMP_DIR into the source directory and do not remove directory. This allows devtool to properly build openharmony-standard from external workspace.

openharmony-standard: display_device.c file into a relative subdir path

instead of using the absolute path using the ${S} variable, use an relative subdir path to copy the display_device.c file in the source directory. This allows the correct build when using an external source directory, such as when using a devtool workspace.

Signed-off-by: Francesco Pham

Merge request reports