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Labels 45

  • SeverityLow
    Eclipse Projects / Oniro Core
    Low severity bugs cause minor inconveniences (like a typo in the user interface or in the documentation
  • SeverityMinor
    Eclipse Projects / Oniro Core
    Minor severity bugs cause a loss of non-critical feature (like missing or incorrect logging)
  • SeverityNormal
    Eclipse Projects / Oniro Core
    Normal severity bugs make a feature hard to use, but there is a workaround (including another feature to use instead of the desired one)
  • teamai
    Eclipse Projects / Oniro Core
    AI/EDDIE team proposed for assignment
  • teamblueprints
    Eclipse Projects / Oniro Core
    Blueprints team proposed for assignment
  • teamdocumentation&UX
    Eclipse Projects / Oniro Core
    Documentation & UX team proposed for assignment
  • teamexternal
    Eclipse Projects / Oniro Core
    External team working on this task
  • teamhw
    Eclipse Projects / Oniro Core
    Hardware-enablement team proposed for assignment
  • teaminfrastructure
    Eclipse Projects / Oniro Core
    Infrastructure/CI team proposed for assignment
  • teaminterns
    Eclipse Projects / Oniro Core
    Interns proposed for assignment
  • teamipcompliance
    Eclipse Projects / Oniro Core
    IP Compliance team proposed for assignment
  • teammaintenance
    Eclipse Projects / Oniro Core
    Maintenance/Release team proposed for assignment
  • teamnetworking
    Eclipse Projects / Oniro Core
    Networking team proposed for assignment
  • teamopenharmony
    Eclipse Projects / Oniro Core
    OpenHarmony compatibility team proposed for assignment
  • teamota
    Eclipse Projects / Oniro Core
    OTA team proposed for assignment
  • teamsecurity
    Eclipse Projects / Oniro Core
    Security team proposed for assignment
  • teamsystems
    Eclipse Projects / Oniro Core
    System/OS-core team proposed for assignment
  • teamtesting
    Eclipse Projects / Oniro Core
    Testing team proposed for assignment
  • teamtoolchain
    Eclipse Projects / Oniro Core
    Toolchain team proposed for assignment
  • teamV&V
    Eclipse Projects / Oniro Core
    V&V team proposed for assignment