Meta-oniro-core: recipes-kernel: Update fix-gcc-plugins-with-gcc-11.patch for latest mainline kernel (from version 5.10.85)
Trying to build on the oniro project (branch kirkstone, LINUX_VERSION ?= "5.10.109"), we get the do_patch task error when applying fix-gcc-plugins-with-gcc-11.patch and the build fails.
Log message:
| DEBUG: Executing shell function do_patch
| (1/10) fix-gcc-plugins-with-gcc-11.patch
| error: patch failed: scripts/gcc-plugins/Makefile:22
| error: scripts/gcc-plugins/Makefile: patch does not apply
| error: patch failed: scripts/gcc-plugins/Kconfig:9
| error: scripts/gcc-plugins/Kconfig: patch does not apply
| [ERROR]: Application of .kernel-meta//patches///fix-gcc-plugins-with-gcc-11.patch failed