- Jan 26, 2022
Andrei Gherzan authored
Both layers are currently only targeting the linux flavour so we can disable the warnings for the flavours where they are not in scope. Signed-off-by:
Andrei Gherzan <andrei.gherzan@huawei.com>
Andrei Gherzan authored
This will sync the local conf version with the metadata. Signed-off-by:
Andrei Gherzan <andrei.gherzan@huawei.com>
- Oct 15, 2021
Andrei Gherzan authored
Andrei Gherzan <andrei.gherzan@huawei.com>
Pavel Zhukov authored
Pavel Zhukov <pavel.zhukov@huawei.com>
- Sep 23, 2021
Zygmunt Krynicki authored
Our download cache is temporarily out of order. Before it returns, disabling it should speed up fresh builds, as the cache is gone and is accessed repeatedly which wastes time. Signed-off-by:
Zygmunt Krynicki <zygmunt.krynicki@huawei.com>
- Sep 09, 2021
Zygmunt Krynicki authored
The cache is relatively network-heavy, as it attempts to check if one of myriad of cache files is available and is somewhat misleading, since the cache only works for the small subset of configurations that have been cleared for legal re-distribution and have a public cache available. Signed-off-by:
Zygmunt Krynicki <zygmunt.krynicki@huawei.com>
- Jun 01, 2021
Andrei Gherzan authored
This distro configuration only really applies on Linux builds. We have set it for other kernels in the past to workaround some bugs - fixes were upstreamed in the meanwhile. So we can remove all these from our local.conf samples. Signed-off-by:
Andrei Gherzan <andrei.gherzan@huawei.com>
- Mar 15, 2021
Andrei Gherzan authored
Andrei Gherzan <andrei.gherzan@huawei.com>
Zygmunt Krynicki authored
OSTC now publishes a complete sstate-cache and download cache for a set of builds and configurations. Using those caches can dramatically speed up setting up the development environment by avoiding huge source downloads (about 12GB at the time of this writing) and virtually all of the compilation (close to an hour on a 6 core 8th gen Intel mobile CPU) at the cost of miniscule sstate cache download (on the order of one gigabyte). The setting is added at the bottom of local.conf, where it is easier to spot and disable, if desired. Signed-off-by:
Zygmunt Krynicki <zygmunt.krynicki@huawei.com>
- Mar 11, 2021
Strong (=) assignment makes it impossible to override DISTRO in command line when calling bitbake e.g.: $ DISTRO=myCoolOS bitbake myCoolImage With strong assignment, the local.conf DISTRO setting has precendence over command line setting. Using weak assignment allows user to build other DISTRO without editing local.conf. Signed-off-by:
Wojciech Zmuda <wojciech.zmuda@huawei.com>
- Mar 05, 2021
Stefan Schmidt authored
Our bblayers file diverged between the different flavours and e.g. the meta-ohos-foundation was still present for zephyr and freertos. We enable all layers on all flavours. The only overhead should be in parsing the recipes. If something else breaks we consider this a bug worth fixing. The usage of symlinks should be safe here. Yocto buildhost will almost always be Linux based, but it this should even work on Windows by now. If we run into trouble with this we can always got back to three files. Signed-off-by:
Stefan Schmidt <stefan.schmidt@huawei.com>
- Jan 12, 2021
Robert Drab authored
Copy of Poky sample files with default distro set to freertos meta-freertos and meta-ohos-foundation layers added to bblayers.conf.sample Signed-off-by:
Robert Drab <robert.drab@huawei.com>