default.xml: Bump openembedded-core revision
* 4667abc : dropbear: break dependency on base package for -dev package - Steve Sakoman
* f90647e : openssh: break dependency on base package for -dev package - Steve Sakoman
* d6344cc : oe-selftest-image: Ensure the image has sftp as well as dropbear - Richard Purdie
* e2dfd3b : packagegroup-core-ssh-dropbear: Add openssh-sftp-server recommendation - Richard Purdie
* a7ae2ad : oeqa/runtime/scp: Disable scp test for dropbear - Richard Purdie
* 7a8d374 : curl: backport openssl fix CN check error code - Jose Quaresma
* 1a6396c : glibc-tests: not clear BBCLASSEXTEND - Kai Kang
* 5a1fd88 : recipetool/devtool: Fix python egg whitespace issues in PACKAGECONFIG - Thomas Roos
* dc17985 : rust: fix issue building cross-canadian tools for aarch64 on x86_64 - Peter Bergin
* e52deac : at: take tarballs from debian - Alexander Kanavin
* aa1c109 : coreutils: Tweak packaging variable names for coreutils-dev - Richard Purdie
* fb9e455 : base.bbclass: Correct the test for obsolete license exceptions - Peter Kjellerstedt
* 53eca71 : oeqa/sdk: drop the nativesdk-python 2.x test - Alexander Kanavin
* a9debe6 : sanity.bbclass: Add ftps to accepted URI protocols for mirrors sanity - David Bagonyi
* 3aaf970 : insane.bbclass: host-user-contaminated: Correct per package home path - Ahmed Hossam
* 3f8a49c : kernel-uboot.bbclass: Use vmlinux.initramfs when INITRAMFS_IMAGE_BUNDLE set - Raju Kumar Pothuraju
* 70d4a09 : perf: sort-pmuevents: really keep array terminators - Lucas Stach
* 772c9f6 : wic: fix WicError message - Martin Jansa
* 58804e0 : libffi: fix native build being not portable - Maxime Roussin-Bélanger
* 0a3ebc5 : initramfs-framework: move storage mounts to actual rootfs - Muhammad Hamza
* e5b4873 : openssl: Upgrade 3.0.3 -> 3.0.4 - Richard Purdie
* a290032 : vim: 8.2.5083 -> 9.0.0005 - Richard Purdie
* 681df7c : wireless-regdb: upgrade 2022.04.08 -> 2022.06.06 - Alexander Kanavin
* 6f9c806 : cve-check: hook cleanup to the BuildCompleted event, not CookerExit - Ross Burton
* 94fad58 : cve-extra-exclusions: Clean up and ignore three CVEs (2xqemu and nasm) - Richard Purdie
* aacc109 : busybox: fix CVE-2022-30065 - Ross Burton
* 8eb224d : cups: ignore CVE-2022-26691 - Ross Burton
* 4bc6bb3 : binutils : CVE-2019-1010204 - Pgowda
* 645a619 : ghostscript: fix CVE-2022-2085 - Lee Chee Yang
* 6a277ba : unzip: Port debian fixes for two CVEs - Richard Purdie
Pavel Zhukov <>
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