Rename meta-ohos-staging to meta-oniro-staging
This change is in line with the project's rebranding.
The collection is also changed a bit to drop the "meta-" prefix. There
is no clear standardization on the collection name. Some use an ID, some
use ID-layer, some use meta-ID etc. We have decided to use the the layer
name without the "meta-" prefix because this is an ID, not a layer per
Andrei Gherzan <>
- meta-oniro-staging/recipes-graphics/libqrcodegen/ 0 additions, 0
- meta-oniro-staging/recipes-sato/webkit/webkitgtk/musl-lower-stack-usage.patch 0 additions, 0 deletions...ecipes-sato/webkit/webkitgtk/musl-lower-stack-usage.patch
- meta-oniro-staging/recipes-sato/webkit/webkitgtk_2.28.4.bbappend 0 additions, 0 deletions...iro-staging/recipes-sato/webkit/webkitgtk_2.28.4.bbappend
File moved
File moved
File moved
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