.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Huawei Inc.
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
.. include:: ../definitions.rst
Adding New Hardware Support in |main_project_name|
This section details the addition of new hardware to the supported set in
|main_project_name|. It is intended as a checklist for adding new boards to
|main_project_name| build system.
Before starting get familiar with |main_project_name| Contribution Process.
.. contents::
:depth: 2
Select |main_project_name| Flavour
|main_project_name| uses a notion of kernel specific flavours:
- Linux flavour
- Zephyr flavour
- FreeRTOS flavour (experimental)
Flavours have predefined `IMAGES` and `MACHINES`.
A single board can be included in more than one flavour only when it has **well
maintained support** in targeted kernels.
Add Required meta-layers
Oniro flavours configuration templates (stored in `distro/oniro/flavours <>`_
directory) consist of the following files:
.. list-table:: Configuration Files
:header-rows: 1
* - File Name
- Description
* - ``bblayers.conf.sample``
- set of meta-layers for the specific flavour (it can be unified across
multiple layers where there are no layers incompatibilities)
* - ``conf-notes.txt``
- text snippet to be used as part of build logs
* - ``local.conf.sample``
- default flavour build configuration
|main_project_name| build system uses ***repo*** tool for cloning required meta-layers
into appropriate build directory structure (see :ref:`Setting up a repo workspace <RepoWorkspace>`).
To include a new layer, it has to be added in two places of the `oniro repository <>`_:
- The manifest file
- The flavours ``bblayers.conf.sample`` file
Test Image Backward Compatibility Of Newly Added Layers
New BSP layers cannot interfere / break already supported ``IMAGES`` / ``MACHINES``.
Document and Advertise the New ``MACHINE`` Support
Newly added ``MACHINE`` shall be documented in: :ref:`Hardware Support <RepoWorkspace>`.
Use an existing board documentation as template and populate it accordingly for
your newly added machine.
The same machine needs to also be advertised in two places:
- Flavour's ``local.conf.sample`` as a commented out ``MACHINE`` variable value
(tweak this step accordingly for default machine change)
- Flavour's ``conf-notes.txt`` to surface the support in build logs
Create Merge Requests
Create the Merge Request against the ***dunfell*** branch according to the
Contributing Process for repositories:
- `distro/oniro <>`_