r/z/zephyr-kernel-src-2.6.0.inc: Update ref of zephyrproject-rtos/trusted-firmware-m
It looks like legacy branch has been cleaned from upstream, only master remains
I used the revision on earlier version assuming it's closer to what we used before.
Also for the record USB console is working as documented at:
which is not the case in kirkstone branch I'll diff to narrow the problem.
Relate-to: #1 (closed) Forwarded: https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipse/oniro-core/meta-zephyr-bsp#pcoval Relate-to: eclipse-wg/oniro-wg/proposal-incubation-stage-oniro/proposal-incubation-oniro-marketing#43 (moved) Signed-off-by: Philippe Coval philippe.coval.ext@huawei.com