Fix ACTS failures on qemuarm
Initial testing showed that practically no HAP tests produce any output. It seems there's some systemic problem, like missing or not working service or feature.
Mandatory Distributed task scheduling
component has no test suite to execute in the source code.
Mandatory ACTS status on qemuarma7
[ ]- not needed according to the comment belowDistributed task scheduling
- no test suite in the source code - discuss with OpenAtom -
[ ] //test/xts/acts/compileruntime:compileruntime- not needed according to the comment below[ ] ActsUrlJsTest.json - HAP doesn't produce result - timeout or test failure[ ] ActsWorkerJSTest.json - HAP doesn't produce result - timeout or test failure[ ] ActsProcessJSApiTest.json - HAP doesn't produce result - timeout or test failure[ ] ActsUtilJsTest.json - HAP doesn't produce result - timeout or test failure
//test/xts/acts/hiviewdfx:hiviewdfxtestacts -
ActsFaultLoggerTest.json - 2/2 -
ActsHiAppEventJsTest.json - 24/24 -
ActsHiCollieCppTest.json - 11/11 -
ActsHilogTest.json - 75/75 -
ActsLibhilogCPPTest.json - 41/41 -
ActsLibhilogCTest.json - 41/41 -
ActsHiSysEventCPPTest.json - 20/20 -
ActsHitraceCPPTest.json - 7/7 -
ActsHitraceCTest.json - 7/7
//test/xts/acts/startup:startup -
ActsStartupJSApiTest.json - 90/90
//test/xts/acts/powermgr:powermgr -
ActsPowerMgrBatteryTest.json - 35/35
//test/xts/acts/account:account -
ActsOsAccountJSApiTest.json - 7/7
//test/xts/acts/communication:communication -
ActsWifiJSApiTest.json - HAP doesn't produce result - timeout or test failurenot needed because there is no WiFi on qemu
//test/xts/acts/distributeddatamgr:distributeddatamgr -
ActsAppdatamagrJsTest.json - 368/368 -
ActsDistributedDatamgrJsTest.json - 57/57
//test/xts/acts/appexecfwk:appexecfwk and aafwk:aafwk -
ActsContextTest.json - 11/11 -
ActsAmsDataUriUtilsTest.json - 20/20 -
ActsAmsZipfileUnzipfileSTest.json - 51/51 -
ActsGetWantAllTest.json - 19/19 (inconsistently) -
ActsFeatureAbilityTest.json - 42/42 (inconsistently) -
ActsBmsCheckPermissionTest.json 16/16 -
ActsBmsJsTest.json 4/4 -
ActsBmsKitTest.json 6/6 -
ActsBmsModuleUsageRecordTest.json 14/14 -
ActsBundleManagerTest.json 87/87 -
ActsBundleManagerUninstallTest.json 8/8