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Oniro Project Documentation Repository

Documentation Status

This repository provides the overarching documentation of the Oniro Project. It does that by aggregating multiple sphinx projects part of the Oniro Project ecosystem and consolidating all these documentation trees as part of one, project-wide, sphinx project.

Read The Docs

As part of the Oniro Project infrastructure, this documentation is pushed to a Read The Docs project. You can inspect the latest version online or download it as PDF.

Building the Docs

As per the current implementation for satisfying aggregation of multiple sphinx projects, the repository takes advantage of symlinks which assume a workspace set up from the oniro repository. Once that is initialized and synced, one can build/validate the documentation by simply running:


For the above command to succeed, ensure all the prerequisites are satisfied.


See the file.


The license of this repository is as follows:

  • Documentation text is under CC-BY-4.0 license
  • Scripts, tools, and so on, are under Apache-2.0 license

See the LICENSES subdirectory for full license texts.