@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ This topic provides an overview of meta-ohos architecture, tools, and source cod
.. _downloading-tools:
Downloading Tools
To start with, you need to install git-repo by executing the following command. Git-repo helps you to manage repositories, revision control systems, and automate parts of the development workflow.
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ To start with, you need to install git-repo by executing the following command.
.. _downloading-source-code:
Downloading Source Code
Once git-repo has been installed, you can clone the necessary repositories.
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ The preceding commands creates the following directory structure (layers):
.. _building-image:
Building and Running |main_project_name| image
|main_project_name| can be hosted on top of a variety of kernels. Currently supported kernels (a.k.a. OHOS flavours) are Linux, Zephyr, and FreeRTOS (experimental).
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ You can use the following syntax to build the OHOS flavour of your choice.
.. _linux_flavour:
OHOS Linux flavour
OHOS Linux flavour is based on `poky` distribution. Current version supports the following images and machines:
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ or close qemu using key combination:
.. _zephyr_flavour:
OHOS Zephyr flavour
OHOS Zephyr flavour is based on zephyr distribution and supports the following images or machines:
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ OHOS Zephyr flavour is based on zephyr distribution and supports the following i
* - Machine Name
- Details
* - qemux86 (default)
* - qemu-x86 (default)
- Emulator
* - qemu-cortex-m3
- Emulator
@@ -223,14 +223,14 @@ OHOS Zephyr flavour is based on zephyr distribution and supports the following i
**Step1:** You can select the preferred image and machine to build your image. For example, for **qemux86* machine and **zephyr-philosophers** image, execute:
**Step1:** You can select the preferred image and machine to build your image. For example, for **qemu-x86* machine and **zephyr-philosophers** image, execute: