Pavel Zhukov authored
Changing bug reporting template to avoid duplication of data and simplify the flow Related: https://git.ostc-eu.org/OSTC/OHOS/meta-ohos/-/merge_requests/253 Related: https://git.ostc-eu.org/OSTC/planning/devops/-/issues/70 Signed-off-by:
Pavel Zhukov <pavel.zhukov@huawei.com>
Pavel Zhukov authoredChanging bug reporting template to avoid duplication of data and simplify the flow Related: https://git.ostc-eu.org/OSTC/OHOS/meta-ohos/-/merge_requests/253 Related: https://git.ostc-eu.org/OSTC/planning/devops/-/issues/70 Signed-off-by:
Pavel Zhukov <pavel.zhukov@huawei.com>
Bug handling process
|main_project_name| is aiming to build a secure system from the foundation, applying the best industry practices in terms of development quality. However, as in every software projects, bugs do happen. This process explains how we handle bugs.
How to report a bug?
If you think you have found a bug in our distribution, please file a bug report in our bug tracker and in the project that you think is the source of the issue. Use the provided template:
- The module affected
- What is the action to reproduce the bug? (Steps to reproduce)
- What is the result you see? (Actual result)
- What is the result you expect? (Expected behaviour)
- Frequency? (always, sometimes, one-time issue)
- Tested version (image name and version, platform)
- Do you know any workaround of this issue? (link to workaround/mitigation steps etc)
- Do you have a fix for this issue?
Developers review the reported issues and perform triage (see below). When a fix is available, the ticket is updated with the details of the solution.
Which modules do we support?
We do support all layers included in our reference images and blueprints. It means we accept bug reports in those layers. If the issue affects the upstream part of the layer, we are going to redirect the report to the upstream project and work with upstream on a solution.
Bug triage
The bug triage is a process where developers asses the bug and set its severity and domain. At the end of this process the bug will:
- Be classified as a security issue, normal bug, feature request, or be rejected if the feature is working as planned or could not be reproduced.
- Have its severity set. Please refer to the documentation of severity levels below.
- Have its domain set. The domains include categories like: toolchain, kernel, Over-the-Air Update (OTA); they can change over time. The bug tracker will include the latest list.
If the bug is classified as a security vulnerability, the engineer assesing the issue will create a new ticket in the private security bug tracker and the discussion will continue in the security bug tracker from that point. Please refer to the CVE Process for details.
If the bug is confirmed as a bug, the developer will assign bug severity: critical, normal, minor or low.
Critical severity bugs make a feature unusable, cause a major data loss or hardware breakage. There is no workaround, or a complex one. Normal severity bugs make a feature hard to use, but there is a workaround (including another feature to use instead of the desired one). Minor severity bugs cause a loss of non-critical feature (like missing or incorrect logging). Low severity bugs cause minor inconveniences (like a typo in the user interface or in the documentation).
The bug can originate in a package developed by the project, or from one we use from an upstream source. The process of handling a bug report will change between those two cases:
When the issue is in the code developed by the project
In the case where the bug originates in the code directly maintained by the Project, the bug is handled directly in the bug tracker.
When the issue originates from upstream code
If the issue was identified in upstream code, we report an upstream issue in a way appropriate to the upstream project. We store the reference to the upstream bug report in our bug tracker. Depending on the bug severity, we might decide to develop and maintain a fix locally. However, we strongly prefer to upstream the fix first, and then get it with a regular upstream code update.
Please note also that we periodically update maintained packages from upstream sources, regardless of the bugs filled in our system. Our goal is to update to the latest stable version of the package.
Detailed workflow
Bug sources
Bugs might be reported by different sources, including Project's own findings (like QA), partner findings, community, or security researchers. There might be also different ways the Project team learns about the issue, including Mattermost channels, discussion forums etc. Issues coming from different sources are centralized in the bug tracker, which also provides an unified identification of all issues.
Acknowledgement and bug triage
After the bug is entered, a developer will perform triage. The process starts from acknowledging the issue and then consists of verifying all the information provided by the bug reporter to reproduce the issue. The developer performing triage might ask additional questions. Then they assign severity and domain to the issue in the bug tracker. They also check which versions are affected and might modify the severity level set by the reporter. Any project member, or the bug reporter, who disagrees with the assignment might comment on the issue.
If there is a fix available from the reporter, the developer also verifies if the fix is correct and matches the IP policy. If the fix is judged acceptable, the process might skip to the Releasing step.
We aim at the first answer of the triage (either finishing triage, or additional questions to the reporter) in three working days for critical bugs and seven days for other bugs. In case of a critical bug, the person performing triage informs the maintainers of the affected subsystem.
Prioritizing and fixing
Bugs with the severity attached enter the prioritization process. It includes a weekly meeting when the team reviews bugs entered or modified during the last week: those during the process of triage, and those with the triage finished. For the bugs with triage finished, the team sets the priority and might assign it to a developer.
The bug fixes should follow the same contributions guidelines as any other contribution. The best practice is to develop a fix for the bug in a separate branch. Fixes for related bugs are possible in the same branch.
When a bug fix is available in a branch, the developer creates a merge request. When the change is accepted, it is merged in the main branch. The developer in charge of the bug verifies with the release manager to which branches the change should be backported.
If the bug comes from an upstream project, developers upstream the bug fix. If the upstream is delayed, the Project might ship a local fix. However, we aim at upstreaming all fixes.
During the time of development of the patch and eventual upstream, the developer updates the documentation (if appropriate), and adds a notification to the release notes. Our release notes contain: links to bugs fixed in the release, links to CVEs fixed in the release (publicly known) and a list of CVEs fixed that are still under embargo.
If the bug is classified as critical, it might be decided to perform a separate bugfix release to fix the issue. Otherwise, the bug fix lands in the next bugfix release.