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Labels 27

  • teammaintenance
    Eclipse Projects / Eclipse Oniro Blueprints
    Maintenance/Release team proposed for assignment
  • teamV&V
    Eclipse Projects / Eclipse Oniro Blueprints
    V&V team proposed for assignment
  • ValidationCI
    Eclipse Projects / Eclipse Oniro Blueprints
    The fix has been validated in CI environment (for FTBFS issues mainly)
  • ValidationFailed
    Eclipse Projects / Eclipse Oniro Blueprints
    Issue has failed validation. Fix has to be redone
  • ValidationPassed
    Eclipse Projects / Eclipse Oniro Blueprints
    Issue passed validation/testing and ready to be closed/backported
  • ValidationReady
    Eclipse Projects / Eclipse Oniro Blueprints
    Issue is ready for testing by V&V team
  • Work In Progress
    Eclipse Projects / Eclipse Oniro Blueprints / Transparent Gateway / meta-oniro-blueprints-gateway