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#567 Unable to run CIF simulation in stand-alone mode using ./bin/cifsim

Patrick van Berkel requested to merge (removed):cifsim-standalone into develop

This pull request implements a possible solution to the braking dependency to the Eclipse Workbench environment and workspace location for stand-alone application which implement dark mode.

Support Dark mode

To be able to run the stand-alone application it need to be able to do this without relying on the Eclipse theming facility. This however causes some issues because the OS mode (Dark or Light) also affects the color display by SWT. This means the stand-alone application still needs to change its colors based on the OS mode. For MacOS and Linux this can be solved as SWT supports the org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display#isSystemDarkTheme() method. On Windows, however, this does not work as I would expect. SWT will only show Light theme even when it detects Windows is set to Dark Mode.

In more detailed words. See SWT OS.setTheme():

// eclipse.platform.swt/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT PI/win32/org/eclipse/swt/internal/win32/
 * On Windows, there is no OS API for dark theme yet, and this method only
 * configures various tweaks. Some of these tweaks have drawbacks. The tweaks
 * are configured with defaults that fit Eclipse. Non-Eclipse applications are
 * expected to configure individual tweaks instead of calling this method.
 * Please see <code>Display#setData()</code> and documentation for string keys
 * used there.

One solution could be to introduce platform specific code in EclipseThemeUtils class.

import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;

public static boolean isDarkThemeInUse() {
     if (PlatformUI.getWorkbench()) {
        // Running inside Eclipse UI.
        IThemeEngine themeEngine = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getService(IThemeEngine.class);
        ITheme theme = themeEngine.getActiveTheme();
        return theme != null && theme.getId().equals(ThemeEngine.E4_DARK_THEME_ID);
    } else if (System.getProperty("").contains("Windows")) {
        // Running stand-alone on windows
        return false;
    } else {
        // Running stand-alone on MacOS or Linux
        return Display.isSystemDarkTheme();

An other solution which does not require platform specific code is to dynamically detect the mode based on the background color of the parent widget and determine if is dark or light. This makes the code more independent from both the system mode and the Eclipse theme itself. The cost is a additional argument in all the color selection code in ESCET applications which need to able to run in stand-alone mode.

This second option in implemented in this Pull Request.

Support running without a workspace

As described in the issue the addition of support for the Dark theme also introduced a dependency to the workspace location when running in stand-alone mode. The scripts which execute the stand-alone applications do, however not specify a workspace location.

One way to solve this is to add the -data argument to the scripts. A possible location could be the most recent workspace location used by the eclipse application, which is stored in "{eclipse dir}./configuration/.settings/org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs". This file is not present after initial initialization, which means selecting a default location.

An others solution is to prevent remove the runtime dependency on this workspace location. In the current implementation the stand-alone application needs to know the workspace location to determine the theme related preference stored by Eclipse. This preference is used to detect runtime changes to the Eclipse theme. In the current implementation the stand-alone applications do not rely on the theme selected by Eclipse as it does not use it's ThemeEngine to apply a theme to SWT.

As such changes to this Eclipse preferences are not of interest when an ESCET application is running in stand-alone mode. This runtime dependency can be removed by disabling the subscription to the changes of this preference when workspace is not defined.

private void register() {
    if (EclipseThemeUtils.isPlatformIntstanceSet()) { // preferences not available.

This second option in implemented in this Pull Request.

Startup error for all eventbased stand-alone application.

While testing I found that all cif.eventbased applications fail when running in stand-alone mode.

> bin/cifsynthanalys -h
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2023-04-14 08:53:16.917
!MESSAGE Application error
OSGi bundle "org.eclipse.escet.cif.eventbased.apps" not found.

I found-out that this is caused an invalid plugin name in the stand-alone startup scripts. These scripts currently seem to name the package (org.eclipse.escet.cif.eventbased.apps) instead of the plugin (org.eclipse.escet.cif.eventbased).

This Pull Request changed this for the following ./bin/* scripts.

cifabstr, cifctrlchk, cifdfamin, ciflngeqv, cifncchk, cifnfadfa, cifobschk, cifprod, cifproj, cifsupsynth, cifsynthanalys, ciftrim, ciftrimchk

Eclipse cifsynthanaly closing immediately.

Currently the Synthesis Analysis Application end immediately after the creation of the UI causing the application and UI to close.

As the UI thread ControlEditor does not expose the Thread is use its method called isAvailable() to monitor the GUI.

while (editor.isAvailable()) {

Code demonstrating issues with Dynamic retheming in SWT:

Edited by Patrick van Berkel

Merge request reports
