Operator attributes tested by opset
Imported operators from ONNX do not consider most opset/versions of said operator. Accepting or ignoring attributes not supported in Aidge and causing errors
Modified files
TODO detailed explaination in general: added conditions to check for opsets and its corresponding attributes. In case of not expected attributes a warning is emmited and an identity operator is created instead.
add -
averagepool -
batchnorm -
concat -
constant -
conv -
div -
dropout -
erf -
gather -
gemm -
globalaveragepooling -
identity -
leakyrelu -
lstm -
matmul -
maxpool -
mul -
pow -
reducemean -
relu -
reshape -
shape -
sigmoid -
slice -
softmax -
split -
sqrt -
sub -
tanh -
Testing, imports to be tested -
'get_node_attributes' function usage may need to be checked for some special cases
Edited by Lucas Lopez