Draft: [New] first conv with cmsis_nn working
In the context of the integration of cmsis_nn for aidge. This merge request is a first version focusing on the ConvScaling metoperator.
Modified files
: Now using aidge_quantization.Quantizer instead of aidge_core.scaling. Only including "arm_nn_functions.h" and copying kernels in export.py. Using my own function to compute fixed_point shift and multiplier; -
, now copying folder of cmsis_nn and two options between "aidge_arm" or "cmsis_nn"; -
, both for configuration and forward call with debug options
Dataformat different for CMSIS_NN (HWC), need to change ImplSpec and apply recipes -
Only one _mem_offset.jinja, _meminfo.jinja and _def_io.jinja -
Other Kernels (Max/AvgPooling, Relu, FC, PaddedConv, DW) that are available in CMSIS_NN library -
Good method to choose the dtype