Draft: Rewrite memory manager log_info in Python.
This MR fix !276
It began by looking at the memory management of the dinov2 model
Realizing that it is not readable, I rewrited it in python in order to easily tweak it.
Here is the new memory info after rewritting it:
I added an option display_names
whcih allow to diplay the names or not:
This MR remove a dependencie to gnuplot
Log function is easy to use now!
After using MetaOperators to simplify the graph we get the follwing memory placement strategy which surprised me as it produces a lower memory peak!
This make sens since by fusing operation we load in RAM data and do not need to save intermediate output.
A little sad to not have found this out before webinar
For reproductibility the code used:
import aidge_core
import aidge_backend_cpu
import aidge_onnx
dinov2_model = aidge_onnx.load_onnx("hf_dinov2_sim.onnx")
aidge_core.fuse_to_metaops(dinov2_model, "MatMul-*>Add", "Linear")
aidge_core.fuse_to_metaops(dinov2_model, "ReduceMean-*>Sub#1~>(Pow#1->ReduceMean-*>Add#1->Sqrt)-*>Div#1-*>Mul#1-*>Add#2;"
"Sub#1~>$", "LayerNorm")
aidge_core.fuse_to_metaops(dinov2_model, "MatMul->Div#1->Softmax-*>MatMul;"
"Div#1<1~Producer", "ScaledDotProductAttention")
aidge_core.fuse_to_metaops(dinov2_model, "ScaledDotProductAttention#1->Transpose->Reshape#1->Linear;"
"Split#1<1~Producer", "MultiHeadAttention")
aidge_core.fuse_to_metaops(dinov2_model, "Div#1->Erf->Add#1-*>Mul->Mul#2;"
"Mul#2<*~Producer", "GeLU")
dinov2_model.set_ordered_outputs([dinov2_model.get_ordered_outputs()[0][0].inputs()[0], dinov2_model.get_ordered_outputs()[0]])
dinov2_model.forward_dims([[1,3,224,224]], True)
s = aidge_core.SequentialScheduler(dinov2_model)
aidge_core.generate_optimized_memory_info(s, "stats_dyno", wrapping=False, display_names=False)