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Graph regex

vincent lorrain requested to merge graphRegex into main

An update of the graph regex system allows greater flexibility, with a more advanced node matching system.

  • Making the nodeTest
    • Making the lexer for logique expression
      • Define operations tokens
      • support int
      • support str
      • support float
    • automatique Tests
    • Making the parseur for logique expression
      • Add the pratt for logical operation
    • Making an interpreter to produce the node fuction test
      • Add type safe type for the AST interpretation ( like std::any c17 ?) @pineapple
      • Add the custome Lambda function @olivierbichler
      • Add the bool node User functions
  • Making graphRegex
    • support sequential match
      • *
      • +
    • support paralel match
      • *
      • +
    • Making lexer
      • quantification tokens
        • *
        • +
      • groupe token
    • Making parseur
      • seqential AST
      • paralel AST
    • Making Fsm interpreter
      • define the fsm graph
      • run FSM
    • Making str interpreter (debug only)
  • CI
    • auto test matching
    • manual test matching
Edited by vincent lorrain

Merge request reports