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Commit 4540e79c authored by vincent  lorrain's avatar vincent lorrain
Browse files

clean and remove old graph matching

parent 717a683e
No related branches found
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1 merge request!48Refactor/recipies
Pipeline #34204 failed
This commit is part of merge request !48. Comments created here will be created in the context of that merge request.
with 6 additions and 1707 deletions
...@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ ...@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
#include "aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp" #include "aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp"
#include "aidge/graph/Node.hpp" #include "aidge/graph/Node.hpp"
#include "aidge/graph/OpArgs.hpp" #include "aidge/graph/OpArgs.hpp"
#include "aidge/graphmatching/GRegex.hpp"
#include "aidge/graphmatching/Match.hpp" #include "aidge/graphmatching/Match.hpp"
#include "aidge/graphmatching/NodeRegex.hpp" #include "aidge/graphmatching/NodeRegex.hpp"
#include "aidge/graphmatching/SeqStm.hpp" #include "aidge/graphmatching/SeqStm.hpp"
* Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
#include <stdexcept> // for exception, runtime_error, out_of_range
#include <regex>
#include <memory> // for shared_ptr
#include <algorithm> // for next_permutation
#include "aidge/graphmatching/Utile.hpp"
#include "aidge/graphmatching/StmFactory.hpp"
#include "aidge/graphmatching/SeqStm.hpp"
#include "aidge/graphmatching/NodeRegex.hpp"
#include "aidge/graphmatching/Match.hpp"
namespace Aidge{
class GRegex {
// __init__(self,nodes_regex:dict,seq_regexps:list)
StmFactory mStmFab;
std::vector<SeqStm*> mStmInit;
GRegex(const std::map<std::string,NodeRegex*>& nodesRegex,std::vector<std::string>& seqRegexps );
std::set<NodeTmp> matchFromStartNodes(const std::vector<NodeTmp> startNodes,const std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphToMatch);
bool walk_validation_all_stm_are_valid(const std::vector<std::vector<SeqStm*>> all_stm);
bool walk_validation_all_node_read_validate_by_one_stm(const std::vector<std::vector<SeqStm*>> all_stm);
bool walk_validation_common_nodes_same_tag_for_all_stm(const std::vector<std::vector<SeqStm*>> all_stm);
std::set<NodeTmp> get_all_validate_nodes(const std::vector<std::vector<SeqStm*>> all_stm);
std::vector<SeqStm*> getStmInit() const {
return mStmInit;
StmFactory getStmFab() const {
return mStmFab;
//std::set<std::pair<std::vector<NodeTmp>,std::set<NodeTmp>>> match(const std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphToMatch);
Match match(const std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphToMatch);
#endif //AIDGE_GREGEX_H_
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
#ifndef AIDGE_MATCH_H_
#define AIDGE_MATCH_H_
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include "aidge/graphmatching/Utile.hpp"
namespace Aidge{
class Match {
size_t getNbMatch();
void insert(std::vector<NodeTmp> startnodes, std::set<NodeTmp> matchnodes);
std::vector<std::vector<NodeTmp>> getStartNodes();
std::vector<std::set<NodeTmp>> getMatchNodes();
std::vector<std::vector<NodeTmp>> mStartNodes;
std::vector<std::set<NodeTmp>> mMatchNodes;
#endif //AIDGE_MATCH_H_
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include "aidge/graph/Node.hpp"
namespace Aidge {
class NodeRegex
std::string mCondition;
NodeRegex(const std::string c){
mCondition = c;
// Version 1 - Only test the type of the node (no need for a lexer)
// Input : Node_op
// Output : bool
// return mCondition == Node_op.type
bool _is(std::shared_ptr<Node> &Node_op);
bool isA(std::string NodeType);
#endif /* _AIDGE_NODEREGEX_H__ */
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <regex>
#include <set>
#include <stdexcept> // for exception, runtime_error, out_of_range
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "aidge/graphmatching/NodeRegex.hpp"
#include "aidge/graphmatching/Utile.hpp"
namespace Aidge {
class SeqStm {
const int mStmIdx;
const std::vector<std::vector<int>> mTransitionMatrix;
// str key of type like 'A' that ce use in the A->B .. extpr
const std::map<std::string, NodeRegex *> mNodesRegex;
// mTypeToIdxTransition.first = std::pair node_type , common_tag
// mTypeToIdxTransition.segond = idx in trans matrix
const std::map<NodeTypeKey, int> mTypeToIdxTransition;
int mActSt;
std::set<NodeTmp> mAllNodeValidated;
std::set<NodeTmp> mAllNodeTested;
std::set<std::pair<NodeTmp, std::string>> mAllCommonNode;
bool mStmIsValid;
std::pair<NodeRegex *, std::string> getNodeRegexAndCommonAt(int idxType);
* @brief test the stm on a type
* @return the common tag
std::string transitionOnNodeType(NodeType nodeType);
SeqStm(const int mStmIdx,
const std::vector<std::vector<int>> &mTransitionMatrix,
const std::map<std::string, NodeRegex *> &mNodesRegex,
const std::map<NodeTypeKey, int> &mTypeToIdxTransition, int mActSt,
std::set<NodeTmp> mAllNodeValidated, std::set<NodeTmp> mAllNodeTested,
std::set<std::pair<NodeTmp, std::string>> mAllCommonNode,
bool mStmIsValid);
// STM test
* @brief get if a st is a valide one
* @return bool
bool isAValidSt(int st) {
std::size_t size = mTransitionMatrix.size();
return st == static_cast<int>(size - 1) ? true : false;
* @brief true if the stm is blocked into st
* @return bool
bool isStmBlocked() { return mActSt == -1 ? true : false; }
* @brief true if the stm into valide st
* @return bool
bool isValid() { return mStmIsValid; }
// utile
* @brief extract from a node is type
* @return bool
NodeType getTheNodeType(NodeTmp node);
void drawStm();
// geter
std::set<std::pair<NodeTmp, std::string>> getAllCommonNode() {
return mAllCommonNode;
std::set<NodeTmp> getAllNodeTested() { return mAllNodeTested; }
std::set<NodeTmp> getAllNodeValidated() { return mAllNodeValidated; }
SeqStm *duplicateStm();
int getStmIdx() { return mStmIdx; }
int getState() { return mActSt; }
// USE
* @brief test the stm on a node
* @return pair new stm state, the common tag
std::pair<int, std::string> testNode(const NodeTmp node);
} // namespace Aidge
#endif /* AIDGE_SEQSTM_H_ */
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept> // for exception, runtime_error, out_of_range
#include <regex>
#include "aidge/graphmatching/NodeRegex.hpp"
#include "aidge/graphmatching/SeqStm.hpp"
#include "aidge/graphmatching/Utile.hpp"
namespace Aidge{
class StmFactory {
const std::map<std::string,NodeRegex*>& mNodesRegex;
std::size_t mCmptStm = 0;
StmFactory(const std::map<std::string,NodeRegex*>& nodesRegex);
SeqStm* makeNewStm(const std::string& sequRegex);
SeqStm* duplicateStm(SeqStm* stm);
std::size_t getNumberOfStm(){
return mCmptStm;
ParsingReturn initParsingSequRegex(const std::string& sequRegex);
std::vector<std::vector<int>> initTransitionMatrix(ParsingReturn& parsing);
\ No newline at end of file
* @file
* @brief
* @version file 1.0.0
* @author vl241552
* @copyright
* Copyright (c) 2023 CEA, LIST, Embedded Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
* All rights reserved.
#ifndef _utile_H_
#define _utile_H_
#include <map>
#include "aidge/graph/Node.hpp"
#include <map>
namespace Aidge {
using NodeTmp = std::shared_ptr<Node>;
using NodeType = std::string;
using CommonTag = std::string;
using NodeTypeKey = std::pair<NodeType, CommonTag>;
// type def
// struct NodeTypeKey {
// NodeType nodeType;
// std::string commonTag;
// // for map find
// bool operator<(const NodeTypeKey& other) const {
// if (nodeType != other.nodeType or commonTag != other.commonTag) {
// return false;
// } else {
// return true;
// }
// }
// };
struct ParsingReturn {
std::map<NodeTypeKey, int> typeToIdxTransition;
std::vector<std::pair<NodeTypeKey, std::string>> transition;
} // namespace Aidge
#endif //_utile_H_
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include "aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp"
#include "aidge/graphmatching/GRegex.hpp"
namespace py = pybind11;
namespace Aidge {
void init_GRegex(py::module& m){
py::class_<GRegex, std::shared_ptr<GRegex>>(m, "GRegex", "GRegex class combines a Node Regex and a list of Graph Regex that together describes a graph pattern as a graph regular expression. GRegex find patterns in a given graph that matches the graph regular expression.")
.def(py::init<const std::map<std::string,NodeRegex*>&, std::vector<std::string>&>(), py::arg("nodesRegex"), py::arg("seqRegexps"), R"mydelimiter(
Constructor of GRegex
:param nodesRegex: Describe the conditions an operator has to fulfill.
:type nodesRegex: Dict[str,:py:class:`aidge_core.NodeRegex`]
:param seqRegexps: Describe the graph topological pattern. List of Graph Regex as strings.
:type seqRegexps: List[str]
.def("match", &GRegex::match, py::arg("graphToMatch"), R"mydelimiter(
Launch the graph matching algorithm on a given graph.
:param graphToMatch: The graph to perform the matching algorithm on.
:type graphToMatch: :py:class:`aidge_core.GraphView`
:returns: Matched graph patterns.
:rtype: :py:class:`aidge_core.Match`
* Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include "aidge/graphmatching/Match.hpp"
namespace py = pybind11;
namespace Aidge {
void init_Match(py::module& m){
py::class_<Match, std::shared_ptr<Match>>(m, "Match", "Match class stores the matched patterns resulting from a graph matching query. A matched pattern is the combinaison of the graph pattern start nodes and the set of all the nodes in the matched pattern (including the start nodes)")
.def("get_nb_match", &Match::getNbMatch, R"mydelimiter(
:returns: The number of graph patterns matched
:rtype: int
.def("get_start_nodes", &Match::getStartNodes, R"mydelimiter(
:returns: All matched graph patterns start nodes
:rtype: List[List[:py:class:`aidge_core.Nodes`]]
.def("get_match_nodes", &Match::getMatchNodes, R"mydelimiter(
:returns: All matched graph patterns sets of matched nodes
:rtype: List[Set[:py:class:`aidge_core.Nodes`]]
* Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include "aidge/graphmatching/NodeRegex.hpp"
namespace py = pybind11;
namespace Aidge {
void init_NodeRegex(py::module& m){
py::class_<NodeRegex, std::shared_ptr<NodeRegex>>(m, "NodeRegex", "NodeRegex class describes a condition to test on any operator. Current version only supports testing the type of the operator.")
.def(py::init<const std::string>(), py::arg("condition"), R"mydelimiter(
Constructor of NodeRegex
:param condition: Condition to be fulfilled by an operator.
:type condition: str
* Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
#include "aidge/graphmatching/GRegex.hpp"
#include "aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp"
using namespace Aidge;
GRegex::GRegex(const std::map<std::string,NodeRegex*>& nodesRegex,std::vector<std::string>& seqRegexps ):mStmFab(nodesRegex){
//setup all the STM
for (const std::string& sequRegex : seqRegexps) {
bool GRegex::walk_validation_all_stm_are_valid(const std::vector<std::vector<SeqStm*>> all_stm){
//test if all stm type are in a valid state
std::vector<int> number_of_valid;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < all_stm.size(); ++i) {
number_of_valid[i] = 0;
for (auto it = all_stm[i].begin(); it != all_stm[i].end(); ++it) {
SeqStm* stm = *it;
if (stm->isValid()){
number_of_valid[i] +=1;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < number_of_valid.size(); ++i) {
if (number_of_valid[i] == 0) {
//std::cout << "NO MATCH at least one stm are not valid" << std::endl;
return false;
if (number_of_valid[i] > 1) {
//std::cout << "NO MATCH multiple brach match of stm (// quantification)" << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
bool GRegex::walk_validation_all_node_read_validate_by_one_stm(const std::vector<std::vector<SeqStm*>> all_stm){
std::set<NodeTmp> all_stm_node_tested;
std::set<NodeTmp> all_stm_node_validated;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < all_stm.size(); ++i) {
//std::cout << "all stm index " << i << " on dimension 1 of size " << all_stm.size() <<std::endl;
for (std::size_t j = 0; j < all_stm[i].size(); ++j) {
//std::cout << "all stm index " << j << " on dimension 2 of size " << all_stm[i].size() <<std::endl;
std::set<NodeTmp> stm_node_tested = all_stm[i][j]->getAllNodeTested();
std::set<NodeTmp> stm_node_validated = all_stm[i][j]->getAllNodeValidated();
all_stm_node_tested.insert(stm_node_tested.begin(), stm_node_tested.end());
all_stm_node_validated.insert(stm_node_validated.begin(), stm_node_validated.end());
std::set<NodeTmp> test_but_not_valid;
for (const auto& x : all_stm_node_tested) {
if (all_stm_node_validated.find(x) == all_stm_node_validated.end()) {
if (!test_but_not_valid.empty()) {
std::cout << "NO MATCH. The node(s) ";
for (const auto& x : test_but_not_valid) {
std::cout << x.get() << ", ";
std::cout << " have been tested but not validated." << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
bool GRegex::walk_validation_common_nodes_same_tag_for_all_stm(const std::vector<std::vector<SeqStm*>> all_stm){
std::map<NodeTmp, std::pair<std::string,int>> node_to_common_tag;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < all_stm.size(); ++i) {
for (auto it = all_stm[i].begin(); it != all_stm[i].end(); ++it) {
SeqStm* stm = *it;
if (!stm->isValid()){
for (const auto& pair : stm->getAllCommonNode()) {
const NodeTmp node = pair.first;
const std::string common_tag = pair.second;
if (node_to_common_tag.find(node) != node_to_common_tag.end()) {
std::string tag = node_to_common_tag[node].first;
int& occurence = node_to_common_tag[node].second;
if (tag!=common_tag){
std::cout << "NO MATCH. The node " << node << " have two different tags "<< tag << " and " << common_tag << std::endl;
return false;
} else {
occurence += 1;
} else {
node_to_common_tag.insert(std::make_pair(node, std::make_pair(common_tag, 1)));
/*std::cout << "Node to common tag ";
for (const auto& x : node_to_common_tag) {
std::cout << "(" << x.first << ", " << "[" << x.second.first << ", " << x.second.second << "]" << ") ; ";
std::cout << std::endl;*/
for (const auto& pair : node_to_common_tag) {
const std::pair<std::string, int> tag_occurence_pair = pair.second;
if (tag_occurence_pair.second < 1){
//std::cout << "NO MATCH. The common tag " << tag_occurence_pair.first << " did not match " << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
std::set<NodeTmp> GRegex::get_all_validate_nodes(const std::vector<std::vector<SeqStm*>> all_stm){
std::set<NodeTmp> all_stm_node_validated;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < all_stm.size(); ++i) {
for (std::size_t j = 0; j < all_stm[i].size(); ++j) {
std::set<NodeTmp> stm_node_validated = all_stm[i][j]->getAllNodeValidated();
all_stm_node_validated.insert(stm_node_validated.begin(), stm_node_validated.end());
return all_stm_node_validated;
std::set<NodeTmp> GRegex::matchFromStartNodes(const std::vector<NodeTmp> startNodes,const std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphToMatch){
std::set<NodeTmp> empty_set_return;
if(startNodes.size() != mStmInit.size()){
throw std::runtime_error ("bad GRegex start nodes");
//init the walk
std::vector<std::vector<SeqStm*>> allStm;
std::vector<std::pair<NodeTmp,SeqStm*>> currentWalk;
for (SeqStm* seqStmPtr : mStmInit) {
SeqStm* newStm = mStmFab.duplicateStm(seqStmPtr);
std::size_t idxStart = newStm->getStmIdx();
while (currentWalk.size()!=0)
std::vector<std::pair<NodeTmp,SeqStm*>> newWalk;
for (const auto& pair : currentWalk) {
const NodeTmp node = pair.first;
SeqStm* stmPtr = pair.second;
std::pair<int,std::string> test = stmPtr->testNode(node);
int res = test.first;
std::string commonTag = test.second;
std::set<NodeTmp> next_nodes = graphToMatch->getChildren(node);
/*std::cout << "Next nodes : " ;
for (const auto& x : next_nodes) {
std::cout << x->name() << ", ";
std::cout << std::endl;*/
// Test Match
if (commonTag == "" && next_nodes.size() > 1) {
std::cout << "NO MATCH. The node " << node.get() << " is not common and has more than one child" << std::endl;
return empty_set_return;
// If there is no more nodes --> Archive the branch
if (res == -1 || next_nodes.empty()) {
int indexToInsert = stmPtr->getStmIdx();
//std::cout << "No more nodes --> STM archived : " << indexToInsert << std::endl;
continue; // TODEV : replace this with 'else' that encapsulate the rest of the function ?
bool first = true;
// Use an iterator to read through the next_nodes
std::set<NodeTmp>::iterator it;
for (it = next_nodes.begin(); it != next_nodes.end(); ++it) {
// Access the current element using the iterator
std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node> next_node = *it;
if (first){
newWalk.push_back(std::make_pair(next_node, stmPtr));
first = false;
} else {
SeqStm* new_stmPtr = mStmFab.duplicateStm(stmPtr);
newWalk.push_back(std::make_pair(next_node, new_stmPtr));
currentWalk = newWalk;
//std::cout << "Walk finished" << std::endl;
if (!walk_validation_all_stm_are_valid(allStm)){
return empty_set_return;
//std::cout << "walk_validation_all_stm_are_valid finished" << std::endl;
if (!walk_validation_all_node_read_validate_by_one_stm(allStm)){
return empty_set_return;
//std::cout << "walk_validation_all_node_read_validate_by_one_stm finished" << std::endl;
if (!walk_validation_common_nodes_same_tag_for_all_stm(allStm)){
return empty_set_return;
//std::cout << "walk_validation_common_nodes_same_tag_for_all_stm finished" << std::endl;
//std::cout << "MATCH" << std::endl;
return get_all_validate_nodes(allStm);
Match GRegex::match(const std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphToMatch){
//std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<NodeTmp>,std::set<NodeTmp>>> matches;
//std::set<std::pair<std::vector<NodeTmp>,std::set<NodeTmp>>> matches;
Match matches;
std::size_t nbStartNodes = mStmInit.size();
std::set<NodeTmp> allNodes = graphToMatch->getNodes();
std::size_t nbAllNodes = allNodes.size();
std::vector<std::size_t> indices(nbStartNodes, 0);
while (true) {
// Generate all permutations of the current combination
do {
std::vector<NodeTmp> startNodes;
//std::cout <<"start nodes :";
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nbStartNodes; ++i) {
auto it = std::begin(allNodes);
std::advance(it, indices[i]);
//std::cout << (*it).get() << " ";
//std::cout <<"\n";
std::set<NodeTmp> match = matchFromStartNodes(startNodes, graphToMatch);
//std::cout << "match size : " << match.size() << " ";
if(match.size() != 0){
} while (std::next_permutation(indices.begin(), indices.end()));
// Generate the next combination with replacement
std::size_t i = nbStartNodes - 1;
while (true) {
if (indices[i] < nbAllNodes - 1) {
if (i == 0) {
return matches;
std::fill(indices.begin() + i + 1, indices.end(), indices[i]);
return matches;
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
#include "aidge/graphmatching/Match.hpp"
using namespace Aidge;
size_t Match::getNbMatch(){
assert(mStartNodes.size() == mMatchNodes.size() && "Match corrupted");
return mStartNodes.size();
void Match::insert(std::vector<NodeTmp> startnodes, std::set<NodeTmp> matchnodes){
assert(mStartNodes.size() == mMatchNodes.size() && "Match corrupted");
std::vector<std::vector<NodeTmp>> Match::getStartNodes(){
return mStartNodes;
std::vector<std::set<NodeTmp>> Match::getMatchNodes(){
return mMatchNodes;
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
#include "aidge/graphmatching/NodeRegex.hpp"
// Verification done by the Attribute system
// Version 1 - Only test the type of the node (no need for a lexer)
// Input : Node_op
// Output : bool
// return mCondition == Node_op.type
bool Aidge::NodeRegex::_is(std::shared_ptr<Node> &Node_op){
std::string NodeType = Node_op->type();
return strcmp(NodeType.c_str(), mCondition.c_str()) == 0;
bool Aidge::NodeRegex::isA(std::string NodeType){
return strcmp(NodeType.c_str(), mCondition.c_str()) == 0;
// Version 2 - Test the node to an advanced condition
// Input : Node_op
// Output : bool
// return mCondition applied on Node
/**bool NodeRegex::_is(string &Node_op){
// Parsing the condition is done in the initialization of the NodeRegex
// assert attributes exist in the node with the attribute function hasAttr()
// get the attributes
* Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
#include "aidge/graphmatching/SeqStm.hpp"
using namespace Aidge;
const int stmIdx,
const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& transitionMatrix,
const std::map<std::string,NodeRegex*>& nodesRegex,
const std::map<NodeTypeKey,int>& typeToIdxTransition,
int actSt,
std::set<NodeTmp> allNodeValidated,
std::set<NodeTmp> allNodeTested,
std::set<std::pair<NodeTmp,std::string>> allCommonNode,
bool stmIsValid):mStmIdx(stmIdx),
if (transitionMatrix.size() == 0){
throw std::runtime_error ("no transitionMatrix");
if(transitionMatrix[0].size() == 0 || transitionMatrix[0].size() != typeToIdxTransition.size()){
throw std::runtime_error ("bad transitionMatrix");
int size = static_cast<int>(transitionMatrix.size());
if (actSt >= size){
throw std::runtime_error ("bad actSt");
mActSt = actSt;
mAllNodeValidated = allNodeValidated;
mAllNodeTested = allNodeTested;
mAllCommonNode = allCommonNode;
mStmIsValid = stmIsValid;
SeqStm* SeqStm::duplicateStm(){
//deep copy of the set
// std::set<Node> cAllNodeValidated(mAllNodeValidated.begin(), mAllNodeValidated.end());
// std::set<Node> cAllNodeTested(mAllNodeTested.begin(), mAllNodeTested.end());
// std::set<std::pair<Node,std::string>> cAllCommonNode;
// for (const auto& p : mAllCommonNode) {
// cAllCommonNode.insert(p);
// }
auto newStm = new SeqStm(
return newStm;
std::pair<NodeRegex*,std::string> SeqStm::getNodeRegexAndCommonAt(int idxType)
//std::cout << "!" << idxType << "\n";
for (auto const& x : mTypeToIdxTransition)
//x.second is the value : idx in mTransitionMatrix for the type
//x.first pair of the node regex class and a string that is the common tag '',#,#n
if (x.second == idxType ){
if (mNodesRegex.find(x.first.first) != mNodesRegex.end()){
return std::make_pair(mNodesRegex.find(x.first.first)->second, x.first.second);
throw std::runtime_error ("a type is not define in NodesRegex");
throw std::runtime_error ("bad idx in mNodesRegex");
return std::make_pair(nullptr,nullptr);
NodeType SeqStm::getTheNodeType(NodeTmp node)
//the node is a str of '{type}{idx}' and we juste want type
// // std::regex re("([a-zA-Z]+)[0-9]+");
// // std::smatch match;
// // if (std::regex_search(node, match, re) == true) {
// // return match.str(1);
// // }
// // throw std::runtime_error ("Type node not found");
// // return "";
//return node->name();
return node->type();
std::string SeqStm::transitionOnNodeType(NodeType nodeType){
if (!isStmBlocked()){
int idxType = 0;
for (auto & nextSt : mTransitionMatrix[mActSt]) {
// There are a next step for this type
//std::cout << "transition matrix next state -> "<< nextSt<<"\n" ;
if (nextSt != -1){
//std::cout << "next -> "<< nextSt<< " "<< isAValidSt(nextSt) <<"\n" ;
auto nodeRegex = getNodeRegexAndCommonAt(idxType);
//std::cout << "-> "<< nodeRegex.second<<"\n" ;
if (nodeRegex.first->isA(nodeType)){
//std::cout << "nodetype tested !"<<"\n" ;
//std::cout << "Valid state !"<<"\n" ;
mStmIsValid = true;
mActSt = nextSt;
return nodeRegex.second;
idxType += 1;
mActSt =-1;
return "";
std::pair<int,std::string> SeqStm::testNode(const NodeTmp node){
std::string commonTag = "";
//std::cout << "0\n" ;
if (!isStmBlocked()){
bool isNextStEnd = std::all_of(mTransitionMatrix[mActSt].begin(), mTransitionMatrix[mActSt].end(), [&](int x){ return x == -1; });
//std::cout << "1:"<< isNextStEnd <<"\n" ;
//if the next state if full of -1 can we relay add the node test to all node tested
// oker y test it but it sure that not be valid
//std::cout << "2\n" ;
//recurtion avoidance
if(mAllNodeValidated.find(node) == mAllNodeValidated.end()){
NodeType nodeType = getTheNodeType(node);
//std::cout << "3 " << nodeType << "\n" ;
commonTag = transitionOnNodeType(nodeType);
//after the transition test, if the node is != -1 the node is valid for the stm
//std::cout << " mActSt = " << mActSt << "\n" ;
if( mActSt != -1 ){
mActSt = -1;
if(commonTag != ""){
return std::make_pair(mActSt,commonTag);
void SeqStm::drawStm(){
// Find the maximum width of each column
std::vector<std::size_t> max_widths(mTransitionMatrix[0].size(), 0);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < mTransitionMatrix.size(); ++i)
for (std::size_t j = 0; j < mTransitionMatrix[i].size(); ++j)
std::size_t width = std::to_string(mTransitionMatrix[i][j]).length();
if (width > max_widths[j])
max_widths[j] = width;
// Print the vector with aligned columns
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < mTransitionMatrix.size(); ++i)
for (std::size_t j = 0; j < mTransitionMatrix[i].size(); ++j)
int i_int = static_cast<int>(i);
if (mActSt == -1 ){
std::cout << "\033[48;5;40m";
std::cout << "\033[48;5;9m";
else if (mActSt == i_int){
std::cout << "\033[48;5;30m";
std::cout << "\033[48;5;27m";
// Pad the value with spaces to align it with the maximum width
std::size_t width = std::to_string(mTransitionMatrix[i][j]).length();
std::string padding(max_widths[j] - width, ' ');
std::cout << padding << mTransitionMatrix[i][j] << " ";
std::cout << "\033[0m";
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "mAllNodeTested : ";
for (const auto& x : mAllNodeTested) {
std::cout << x << ", ";
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "mAllNodeValidated : ";
for (const auto& x : mAllNodeValidated) {
std::cout << x << ", ";
std::cout << "\n";
* Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
#include "aidge/graphmatching/StmFactory.hpp"
using namespace Aidge;
StmFactory::StmFactory(const std::map<std::string, NodeRegex *> &nodesRegex)
: mNodesRegex(nodesRegex) {}
SeqStm *StmFactory::duplicateStm(SeqStm *stm) { return stm->duplicateStm(); }
SeqStm *StmFactory::makeNewStm(const std::string &sequRegex) {
ParsingReturn parsing = initParsingSequRegex(sequRegex);
std::vector<std::vector<int>> transitionMatrix =
std::set<NodeTmp> allNodeValidated;
std::set<NodeTmp> allNodeTested;
std::set<std::pair<NodeTmp, std::string>> allCommonNode;
SeqStm *newStm = new SeqStm(static_cast<int>(mCmptStm), transitionMatrix, mNodesRegex,
parsing.typeToIdxTransition, 0, allNodeValidated,
allNodeTested, allCommonNode, false);
mCmptStm += 1;
return newStm;
ParsingReturn StmFactory::initParsingSequRegex(const std::string &sequRegex) {
std::string toMatch;
std::regex re("\\s*([A-Za-z]+)(#\\d*)?([+*])?\\s*(->|;)");
std::smatch matches;
int idxType = 0;
// return
ParsingReturn parsing;
// std::map<std::pair<NodeType,std::string>,int> typeToIdxTransition;
// std::vector<std::pair<std::pair<NodeType,std::string>,std::string>>
// transition;
// assert
std::map<NodeType, std::string> assertCommonNodeTypes;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < sequRegex.length(); i++) {
toMatch += sequRegex[i];
if (std::regex_match(toMatch, matches, re)) {
std::string type = matches.str(1);
std::string commonTag = matches.str(2);
std::string quantification = matches.str(3);
if ((commonTag != "") && (quantification != "")) {
throw std::runtime_error("bad commonTag and quantification");
// make the typeToIdxTransition
NodeTypeKey typeTag = std::make_pair(type, commonTag);
/*std::cout << " typeTag: " << type << " " << commonTag
<< parsing.typeToIdxTransition.size() << std::endl;*/
if (parsing.typeToIdxTransition.find(typeTag) ==
parsing.typeToIdxTransition.end()) {
parsing.typeToIdxTransition[typeTag] = idxType;
idxType += 1;
// SAME Common node in the sequ
if (commonTag != "") {
if (assertCommonNodeTypes.find(type) != assertCommonNodeTypes.end()) {
if (assertCommonNodeTypes[type] == commonTag) {
throw std::runtime_error("same common node in the sequ regex");
} else {
assertCommonNodeTypes[type] = commonTag;
// save all transition
parsing.transition.push_back(std::make_pair(typeTag, quantification));
/*std::cout << "Match found: " << matches.str() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Type: " << matches.str(1) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Common tag: " << matches.str(2) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Quantification: " << matches.str(3) << std::endl;*/
toMatch = "";
if (parsing.transition.size() == 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("Bad Parsing SequRegex ");
return parsing;
StmFactory::initTransitionMatrix(ParsingReturn &parsing) {
// std::pair<NodeTypeKey,std::string>
std::vector<std::vector<int>> transitionMatrix;
std::size_t numberOfType = parsing.typeToIdxTransition.size();
if (numberOfType == 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("Bad number Of Type ");
// init start st
transitionMatrix.push_back(std::vector<int>(numberOfType, -1));
std::size_t idxTransition = 0;
int idxState = 0;
for (const auto &pair : parsing.transition) {
const NodeTypeKey &nodeTypeKey = pair.first;
const std::string &quant = pair.second;
/*std::cout << "Key: {" << nodeTypeKey.first << ", " << nodeTypeKey.second
<< "}, Value: " << quant << std::endl;
std::cout << "idxState " << idxState << " TM: " << transitionMatrix.size()
<< std::endl;*/
std::size_t idxType = parsing.typeToIdxTransition[nodeTypeKey];
/*std::cout << "idxType " << idxType << " TM: " << transitionMatrix[0].size()
<< "type" << numberOfType << std::endl;*/
if (quant == "*") {
transitionMatrix[idxTransition][idxType] = idxState;
} else if (quant == "+") {
idxState += 1;
transitionMatrix[idxTransition][idxType] = idxState;
transitionMatrix.push_back(std::vector<int>(numberOfType, -1));
idxTransition += 1;
transitionMatrix[idxTransition][idxType] = idxState;
} else {
idxState += 1;
transitionMatrix[idxTransition][idxType] = idxState;
transitionMatrix.push_back(std::vector<int>(numberOfType, -1));
idxTransition += 1;
return transitionMatrix;
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -21,9 +21,7 @@ ...@@ -21,9 +21,7 @@
#include "aidge/graph/Node.hpp" #include "aidge/graph/Node.hpp"
#include "aidge/operator/Producer.hpp" #include "aidge/operator/Producer.hpp"
#include "aidge/operator/GenericOperator.hpp" #include "aidge/operator/GenericOperator.hpp"
// Graph Regex
#include "aidge/graphmatching/GRegex.hpp"
#include "aidge/graphmatching/NodeRegex.hpp"
//Graph Regex //Graph Regex
#include "aidge/graphRegex/GraphRegex.hpp" #include "aidge/graphRegex/GraphRegex.hpp"
...@@ -32,21 +30,7 @@ using namespace Aidge; ...@@ -32,21 +30,7 @@ using namespace Aidge;
void Aidge::fuseBatchNorm(std::shared_ptr<Node> conv,std::shared_ptr<Node> batchnorm){ void Aidge::fuseBatchNorm(std::shared_ptr<Node> conv,std::shared_ptr<Node> batchnorm){
// assert(nodes.size() == 2 && "Wrong number of nodes to replace\n");
// // Assert the nodes types are correct to be fused
// std::shared_ptr<Node> conv;
// std::shared_ptr<Node> batchnorm;
// for (const auto& element : nodes) {
// assert((element->type() == "Conv" || element->type() == "BatchNorm") && "Wrong type for the nodes to replace");
// if (element->type() == "Conv"){
// conv = element;
// }
// else if (element->type() == "BatchNorm") {
// batchnorm = element;
// }
// }
// TODO : check if batchnorm is the only child of the Conv or FC
std::shared_ptr<Tensor> scale = batchnorm->input(1).first->getOperator()->getOutput(batchnorm->input(1).second); std::shared_ptr<Tensor> scale = batchnorm->input(1).first->getOperator()->getOutput(batchnorm->input(1).second);
std::shared_ptr<Tensor> shift = batchnorm->input(2).first->getOperator()->getOutput(batchnorm->input(2).second); std::shared_ptr<Tensor> shift = batchnorm->input(2).first->getOperator()->getOutput(batchnorm->input(2).second);
...@@ -146,20 +130,7 @@ void Aidge::fuseBatchNorm(std::shared_ptr<MatchSolution> solution){ ...@@ -146,20 +130,7 @@ void Aidge::fuseBatchNorm(std::shared_ptr<MatchSolution> solution){
} }
void Aidge::fuseBatchNorm(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphView){ void Aidge::fuseBatchNorm(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphView){
// std::map<std::string,NodeRegex*> nodesRegex ;
// nodesRegex["BatchNorm"] = new NodeRegex("BatchNorm");
// nodesRegex["Conv"] = new NodeRegex("Conv");
// nodesRegex["FC"] = new NodeRegex("FC");
// std::vector<std::string> seqRegex;
// seqRegex.push_back("Conv -> BatchNorm;"); // TODO: Add (Conv | FC)
// GRegex GReg(nodesRegex, seqRegex);
// Match matches = GReg.match(graphView);
// std::vector<std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>>> matchNodes = matches.getMatchNodes();
// for (size_t i = 0; i < matches.getNbMatch(); ++i) {
// fuseBatchNorm(matchNodes[i]);
// }
std::shared_ptr<GraphRegex> regex = std::make_shared<GraphRegex>(); std::shared_ptr<GraphRegex> regex = std::make_shared<GraphRegex>();
regex->setNodeKey("BatchNorm","getType($) =='BatchNorm'"); regex->setNodeKey("BatchNorm","getType($) =='BatchNorm'");
...@@ -22,9 +22,6 @@ ...@@ -22,9 +22,6 @@
#include "aidge/operator/GenericOperator.hpp" #include "aidge/operator/GenericOperator.hpp"
#include "aidge/utils/ErrorHandling.hpp" #include "aidge/utils/ErrorHandling.hpp"
// Graph Regex
#include "aidge/graphmatching/GRegex.hpp"
#include "aidge/graphmatching/NodeRegex.hpp"
//Graph Regex //Graph Regex
#include "aidge/graphRegex/GraphRegex.hpp" #include "aidge/graphRegex/GraphRegex.hpp"
...@@ -84,9 +81,6 @@ void Aidge::fuseMulAdd(std::shared_ptr<MatchSolution> solution){ ...@@ -84,9 +81,6 @@ void Aidge::fuseMulAdd(std::shared_ptr<MatchSolution> solution){
void Aidge::fuseMulAdd(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphView){ void Aidge::fuseMulAdd(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphView){
// std::map<std::string,NodeRegex*> nodesRegex ;
// nodesRegex["MatMul"] = new NodeRegex("MatMul");
// nodesRegex["Add"] = new NodeRegex("Add");
std::shared_ptr<GraphRegex> regex = std::make_shared<GraphRegex>(); std::shared_ptr<GraphRegex> regex = std::make_shared<GraphRegex>();
regex->setNodeKey("Add","getType($) =='Add'"); regex->setNodeKey("Add","getType($) =='Add'");
...@@ -97,26 +91,9 @@ void Aidge::fuseMulAdd(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphView){ ...@@ -97,26 +91,9 @@ void Aidge::fuseMulAdd(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphView){
fuseMulAdd(solution); fuseMulAdd(solution);
// // solution->at("MatMul");
// // solution->at("Add");
// assert(solution->at("MatMul").size() == 1 && "Wrong number of nodes MatMul to replace\n");
// assert(solution->at("Add").size() == 1 && "Wrong number of nodes Add to replace\n");
// for (const auto& matmul : solution->at("MatMul")) {
// for (const auto& add : solution->at("Add")) {
// fuseMulAdd(matmul,add);
// }
// }
} }
// std::vector<std::string> seqRegex;
// seqRegex.push_back("MatMul -> Add;");
// GRegex GReg(nodesRegex, seqRegex);
// Match matches = GReg.match(graphView);
// std::vector<std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>>> matchNodes = matches.getMatchNodes();
// for (size_t i = 0; i < matches.getNbMatch(); ++i) {
// fuseMulAdd(matchNodes[i]);
// }
} }
...@@ -15,24 +15,14 @@ ...@@ -15,24 +15,14 @@
#include "aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp" #include "aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp"
#include "aidge/utils/Recipies.hpp" #include "aidge/utils/Recipies.hpp"
// Graph Regex
#include "aidge/graphmatching/GRegex.hpp"
#include "aidge/graphmatching/NodeRegex.hpp"
//Graph Regex //Graph Regex
#include "aidge/graphRegex/GraphRegex.hpp" #include "aidge/graphRegex/GraphRegex.hpp"
namespace Aidge { namespace Aidge {
void removeFlatten(std::shared_ptr<Node> flatten) { void removeFlatten(std::shared_ptr<Node> flatten) {
// assert(nodes.size() == 2 && "Wrong number of nodes to replace\n");
// std::shared_ptr<Node> flatten;
// for (const auto& element : nodes) {
// assert((element->type() == "FC" || element->type() == "Flatten") && "Wrong type for the nodes to replace");
// if (element->type() == "Flatten"){
// flatten = element;
// }
// }
GraphView::replace({flatten}, {}); GraphView::replace({flatten}, {});
} }
...@@ -49,18 +39,7 @@ namespace Aidge { ...@@ -49,18 +39,7 @@ namespace Aidge {
void removeFlatten(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphView){ void removeFlatten(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphView){
// std::map<std::string,NodeRegex*> nodesRegex ;
// nodesRegex["Flatten"] = new NodeRegex("Flatten");
// nodesRegex["FC"] = new NodeRegex("FC");
// std::vector<std::string> seqRegex;
// seqRegex.push_back("Flatten->FC;");
// GRegex GReg(nodesRegex, seqRegex);
// Match matches = GReg.match(graphView);
// std::vector<std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>>> matchNodes = matches.getMatchNodes();
// for (size_t i = 0; i < matches.getNbMatch(); ++i) {
// removeFlatten(matchNodes[i]);
// }
std::shared_ptr<GraphRegex> regex = std::make_shared<GraphRegex>(); std::shared_ptr<GraphRegex> regex = std::make_shared<GraphRegex>();
regex->setNodeKey("Flatten","getType($) =='Flatten'"); regex->setNodeKey("Flatten","getType($) =='Flatten'");
* Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <cassert>
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include "aidge/graphmatching/GRegex.hpp"
#include "aidge/graphmatching/StmFactory.hpp"
#include "aidge/graphmatching/SeqStm.hpp"
#include "aidge/graphmatching/NodeRegex.hpp"
#include "aidge/graphmatching/Match.hpp"
#include "aidge/backend/OperatorImpl.hpp"
#include "aidge/operator/GenericOperator.hpp"
#include "aidge/operator/Producer.hpp"
#include "aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp"
using namespace Aidge;
TEST_CASE("Create good init GRegex", "[GRegex]") {
// init all input for GRegex
// Nodes Regex map : std::map<std::string,NodeRegex*>& nodesRegex
// Sequential Regex vector : std::vector<std::string>& seqRegexps
// init the Nodes Regex map
std::map<std::string,NodeRegex*> nodesRegex ;
std::vector<std::string> nodeTypeKey {"A","B","C"};
for (const std::string& key : nodeTypeKey) {
nodesRegex[key] = new NodeRegex(key);
// init the Sequential Regex vector
std::vector<std::string> seqRegex;
// Instanciate a GRegex
GRegex GReg(nodesRegex, seqRegex);
// Perform tests
REQUIRE(GReg.getStmInit().size() == 1);
REQUIRE(GReg.getStmFab().getNumberOfStm() == 1);
for (const std::string& key : nodeTypeKey) {
delete nodesRegex[key];
TEST_CASE("Function matchFromStartNodes | One Match of Nodes sequence", "[GRegex]") {
// init all input for GRegex
// Nodes Regex map : std::map<std::string,NodeRegex*>& nodesRegex
// Sequential Regex vector : std::vector<std::string>& seqRegexps
// init the Nodes Regex map
std::map<std::string,NodeRegex*> nodesRegex ;
std::vector<std::string> nodeTypeKey {"Conv","BN","ReLU"};
for (const std::string& key : nodeTypeKey) {
nodesRegex[key] = new NodeRegex(key);
// init the Sequential Regex vector
std::vector<std::string> seqRegex;
// Instanciate a GRegex
GRegex GReg(nodesRegex, seqRegex);
std::shared_ptr<GraphView> g1 = std::make_shared<GraphView>("TestGraph");
std::shared_ptr<Node> Conv1 = GenericOperator("Conv", 1, 1, 1);
std::shared_ptr<Node> BN1 = GenericOperator("BN", 1, 1, 1);
std::shared_ptr<Node> ReLU1 = GenericOperator("ReLU", 1, 1, 1);
std::shared_ptr<Node> Random = GenericOperator("Random", 1, 1, 1);
std::shared_ptr<Node> Random2 = GenericOperator("Random2", 1, 1, 1);
g1->addChild(BN1, Conv1);
g1->addChild(ReLU1, BN1);
g1->addChild(Random, ReLU1);
//g1->addChild(BN1, Random2);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node>> startNodes1;
std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> result;
result = GReg.matchFromStartNodes(startNodes1, g1);
std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> true_result;
// Perform tests
REQUIRE(result == true_result);
for (const std::string& key : nodeTypeKey) {
delete nodesRegex[key];
TEST_CASE("Function matchFromStartNodes | One Match of parallel branches ", "[GRegex]") {
// init all input for GRegex
// Nodes Regex map : std::map<std::string,NodeRegex*>& nodesRegex
// Sequential Regex vector : std::vector<std::string>& seqRegexps
// init the Nodes Regex map
std::map<std::string,NodeRegex*> nodesRegex ;
std::vector<std::string> nodeTypeKey {"Add","FC","Conv"};
for (const std::string& key : nodeTypeKey) {
nodesRegex[key] = new NodeRegex(key);
// init the Sequential Regex vector
std::vector<std::string> seqRegex;
// Instanciate a GRegex
GRegex GReg(nodesRegex, seqRegex);
// Instanciate a graphView
std::shared_ptr<GraphView> g1 = std::make_shared<GraphView>("TestGraph");
std::shared_ptr<Node> Random0 = GenericOperator("Random", 1, 1, 1);
std::shared_ptr<Node> Add1 = GenericOperator("Add", 1, 1, 1);
std::shared_ptr<Node> Conv1 = GenericOperator("Conv", 1, 1, 1);
std::shared_ptr<Node> BN1 = GenericOperator("BN", 1, 1, 1);
std::shared_ptr<Node> ReLU1 = GenericOperator("ReLU", 1, 1, 1);
std::shared_ptr<Node> FC1 = GenericOperator("FC", 1, 1, 1);
std::shared_ptr<Node> Random = GenericOperator("Random", 1, 1, 1);
g1->addChild(Add1, Random0);
g1->addChild(Conv1, Add1);
g1->addChild(BN1, Conv1);
g1->addChild(ReLU1, BN1);
g1->addChild(FC1, Add1);
g1->addChild(Random, FC1);
// Test 1 : Find the match
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node>> startNodes;
std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> result;
result = GReg.matchFromStartNodes(startNodes, g1);
std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> true_result;
// Test 2 : Return an empty set when the start nodes are wrong
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node>> wrong_startNodes;
std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> wrong_start_result;
std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> empty_result;
wrong_start_result = GReg.matchFromStartNodes(wrong_startNodes, g1);
// Perform tests
REQUIRE(result == true_result);
REQUIRE(wrong_start_result == empty_result);
for (const std::string& key : nodeTypeKey) {
delete nodesRegex[key];
TEST_CASE("Function matchFromStartNodes | Match a sequence with quantifier ", "[GRegex]") {
// init all input for GRegex
// Nodes Regex map : std::map<std::string,NodeRegex*>& nodesRegex
// Sequential Regex vector : std::vector<std::string>& seqRegexps
// init the Nodes Regex map
std::map<std::string,NodeRegex*> nodesRegex ;
std::vector<std::string> nodeTypeKey {"FC"};
for (const std::string& key : nodeTypeKey) {
nodesRegex[key] = new NodeRegex(key);
// init the Sequential Regex vector
std::vector<std::string> seqRegex;
// Instanciate a GRegex
GRegex GReg(nodesRegex, seqRegex);
// Instanciate a graphView
std::shared_ptr<GraphView> g1 = std::make_shared<GraphView>("TestGraph");
std::shared_ptr<Node> Random0 = GenericOperator("Random", 1, 1, 1);
std::shared_ptr<Node> FC1 = GenericOperator("FC", 1, 1, 1);
std::shared_ptr<Node> FC2 = GenericOperator("FC", 1, 1, 1);
std::shared_ptr<Node> FC3 = GenericOperator("FC", 1, 1, 1);
std::shared_ptr<Node> ReLU1 = GenericOperator("ReLU", 1, 1, 1);
g1->addChild(FC1, Random0);
g1->addChild(FC2, FC1);
g1->addChild(FC3, FC2);
g1->addChild(ReLU1, FC3);
// Test 1 : Find the match
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node>> startNodes;
std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> result;
result = GReg.matchFromStartNodes(startNodes, g1);
std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> true_result;
// Test 2 : Return an empty set when the start nodes are wrong
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node>> wrong_startNodes;
std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> wrong_start_result;
std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> empty_result;
wrong_start_result = GReg.matchFromStartNodes(wrong_startNodes, g1);
// Perform tests
REQUIRE(result == true_result);
REQUIRE(wrong_start_result == empty_result);
TEST_CASE("Function match | ALL matches of Nodes sequence", "[GRegex]") {
// init all input for GRegex
// Nodes Regex map : std::map<std::string,NodeRegex*>& nodesRegex
// Sequential Regex vector : std::vector<std::string>& seqRegexps
// init the Nodes Regex map
std::map<std::string,NodeRegex*> nodesRegex ;
std::vector<std::string> nodeTypeKey {"GEMM"};
for (const std::string& key : nodeTypeKey) {
nodesRegex[key] = new NodeRegex(key);
// init the Sequential Regex vector
std::vector<std::string> seqRegex;
// Instanciate a GRegex
GRegex GReg(nodesRegex, seqRegex);
//init the input graph
std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphToMatch = std::make_shared<GraphView>("TestGraph");
std::shared_ptr<Node> Random0 = GenericOperator("Random", 1, 1, 1);
std::shared_ptr<Node> GEMM1 = GenericOperator("GEMM", 1, 1, 1);
std::shared_ptr<Node> ReLU1 = GenericOperator("ReLU", 1, 1, 1);
std::shared_ptr<Node> GEMM2 = GenericOperator("GEMM", 1, 1, 1);
std::shared_ptr<Node> GEMM3 = GenericOperator("GEMM", 1, 1, 1);
std::shared_ptr<Node> ReLU2 = GenericOperator("ReLU", 1, 1, 1);
std::shared_ptr<Node> Random = GenericOperator("Random", 1, 1, 1);
graphToMatch->addChild(GEMM1, Random0);
graphToMatch->addChild(ReLU1, GEMM1);
graphToMatch->addChild(GEMM2, ReLU1);
graphToMatch->addChild(GEMM3, GEMM2);
graphToMatch->addChild(ReLU2, GEMM3);
graphToMatch->addChild(Random, ReLU2);
//std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<NodeTmp>,std::set<NodeTmp>>> matchs = GReg.match(graphToMatch);
//std::set<std::pair<std::vector<NodeTmp>,std::set<NodeTmp>>> matchs = GReg.match(graphToMatch);
Match matches = GReg.match(graphToMatch);
size_t nb = matches.getNbMatch();
std::vector<std::vector<NodeTmp>> gm_startnodes = matches.getStartNodes();
std::vector<std::set<NodeTmp>> gm_matchnodes = matches.getMatchNodes();
std::set<std::pair<std::vector<NodeTmp>,std::set<NodeTmp>>> matchs;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
matchs.insert(std::make_pair(gm_startnodes[i], gm_matchnodes[i]));
//std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<NodeTmp>,std::set<NodeTmp>>> toMatchs ;
std::set<std::pair<std::vector<NodeTmp>,std::set<NodeTmp>>> toMatchs ;
// Carefull : as the assert is on a vector, the Order of match matters
std::vector<NodeTmp> startNode = {GEMM1};
std::set<NodeTmp> matchNode = {GEMM1};
std::vector<NodeTmp> startNode2 = {GEMM2};
std::set<NodeTmp> matchNode2 = {GEMM2};
std::vector<NodeTmp> startNode3 = {GEMM3};
std::set<NodeTmp> matchNode3 = {GEMM3};
REQUIRE(matchs == toMatchs);
REQUIRE(nb == 3);
* Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <cassert>
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include "aidge/backend/OperatorImpl.hpp"
#include "aidge/graphmatching/NodeRegex.hpp"
#include "aidge/operator/GenericOperator.hpp"
using namespace Aidge;
TEST_CASE("Create Noderegex", "[Noderegex]") {
std::shared_ptr<NodeRegex> nr = std::make_shared<NodeRegex>("conv");
TEST_CASE("Test _is function", "[Noderegex]") {
// Create Noderegex with only condition on the name of the Node
// Create several operators to pass into Noderegex _is function
// Assert Noderegex._is(operators) are correct
std::shared_ptr<NodeRegex> nr = std::make_shared<NodeRegex>("Conv");
std::shared_ptr<Node> Conv = GenericOperator("Conv", 1, 1, 1);
std::shared_ptr<Node> FC = GenericOperator("FC", 1, 1, 1);
REQUIRE(nr->_is(Conv) == true);
REQUIRE(nr->_is(FC) == false);
REQUIRE(nr->isA("Conv") == true);
REQUIRE(nr->isA("FC") == false);
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