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Thales contribution

Lucas RAKOTOARIVONY requested to merge (removed):main into dev


In the context of implementing three operators for the Quantization of Vision Transformers (ShiftMax, ShiftGELU and I-LayerNorm). Here is the first Thales contribution with the implementation of the forward of ShiftMax and ShiftGELU. In aidge_backend_cuda, we implement the kernel cuda for the forward of SHiftMax and ShiftGELU. We didn't make any modifications on the existing file (except cuda.hpp where we include our file).

Add files

  • src/operator/ShiftGELUImpl.cpp and include/aidge/backend/cuda/operator/ShiftGELUImpl.hpp : Implementation of the forward for ShiftGELU
  • src/operator/ and include/aidge/backend/cuda/operator/ShiftGELUImpl_CUDA_kernels.hpp : Implementation of the kernel cuda for ShiftGELU
  • src/operator/ShiftMaxImpl.cpp and include/aidge/backend/cuda/operator/ShiftMaxImpl.hpp : Implementation of the forward for ShiftMax
  • src/operator/ and include/aidge/backend/cuda/operator/ShiftMaxImpl_CUDA_kernels.hpp : Implementation of the kernel cuda for ShiftMax
  • unit_tests/Test_ShiftGELUImpl.cpp : Unitary test for showing how work the operator ShiftGELU
  • unit_tests/Test_ShiftMaxImpl.cpp : Unitary test for showing how work the operator ShiftMax


The functions that launch the Kernel (ShiftGELULaunchKernel and ShiftMaxLaunchKernel) are not yet templated. We didn't fix the error yet.

Merge request reports