Resolve "Arithmetic Operator optimization"
Closes #5
Add -
And -
BitShift -
Div -
Equal -
Mul -
Pow -
Here is the comparison of performances for Add
operator in percents (%). It is representative of perfomance gains for other elementwise operators.
Default size of both inputs was [64,64,64,64]
I also changed Catch2 version from 3.0.1
to 3.7.1
Merge request reports
added LanguageC++ IssueMissing Feature labels
assigned to @pineapple
changed milestone to %aidge - June 2024
added Enhancement PriorityLow StatusTODO labels and removed Missing label
added 1 commit
- 37dce956 - perf: update Add, BitShift, Mul and Sub forward kernels
assigned to @cmoineau
added 1 commit
- 40e03fc1 - fix: number of elements in template of EqualImpl_cpu
added 24 commits
40e03fc1...43268e1a - 19 commits from branch
- 5166330c - perf: update Add, BitShift, Mul and Sub forward kernels
- 4c8412cc - perf: update Pow forward kernel.
- ae5f86da - perf: update 'And' forard kernel
- fe14f991 - fix: number of elements in template of EqualImpl_cpu
- 21ab070c - fix 'And' kernel in case of equal dimensions for inputs
Toggle commit list-
40e03fc1...43268e1a - 19 commits from branch
added 1 commit
- 13af35d1 - upd: catch2 test framework to latest version
added 15 commits
13af35d1...f634dac0 - 9 commits from branch
- 0c483a85 - perf: update Add, BitShift, Mul and Sub forward kernels
- 6186554c - perf: update Pow forward kernel.
- a50b0dbd - perf: update 'And' forard kernel
- 981290cd - fix: number of elements in template of EqualImpl_cpu
- 452a65e6 - fix 'And' kernel in case of equal dimensions for inputs
- bc52f441 - upd: catch2 test framework to latest version
Toggle commit list-
13af35d1...f634dac0 - 9 commits from branch
enabled an automatic merge when all merge checks for bc52f441 pass
removed StatusTODO label
added EnhancementPerformance ⚡️ label and removed Enhancement ⭐ label
mentioned in commit 56be971a
mentioned in merge request !122 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !138 (merged)
mentioned in issue #45