Failing Import
Failing Import of the Module
The import of 'aidge_backend_cpu' can fail, on a clean setup, up to date with master. The error is a linker error, claiming that there is an 'undefined symbol'. This fail occurs despite having all the other modules updated to 0.2.0.
Commit version used
: 0.2.0 -
: 0.2.0
Here is the log of the error:
from aidge_backend_cpu.aidge_backend_cpu import * # import so generated by PyBind
ImportError: /miniconda3/envs/dev/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aidge_backend_cpu/ undefined symbol: _ZNK3fmt3v106detail10locale_ref3getISt6localeEET_v
Reproducible code
To reproduce the error, importing the module is sufficient :
import aidge_core
import aidge_backend_cpu
The error occurs at the second line.
Edited by Maxence Naud