Olivier BICHLER authoredOlivier BICHLER authored
Aidge CPU library
You can find in this folder the library that implements the CPU operators.
Those operators can be used on any machine with an Linux OS.
So far be sure to have the correct requirements to use this library
- Make
- CMake
- aidge_core
- Python (optional, if you have no intend to use this library in python with pybind)
Pip installation
You will need to install first the aidge_core library before installing aidge_cpu. Also, make sure that the install path was set before installing aidge_core library. Then run in your python environnement :
pip install . -v
Standard C++ Compilation
You will need to compile first the Core library before compiling the CPU one. The makefile is designed to do it for you.
To only compile the CPU library, run
make cpu_only
To compile the CPU library + the associated unitary tests, run
make cpu_tests
To compile the CPU library with the python binding, run
make cpu_with_pybind
Important: this command can also be run with make
To compile the CPU library with the python binding + the associated unitary tests, run
make cpu_with_pybind_tests