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agenda meeting 2022wk14

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# Oniro Working Group Marketing Committee Launch Meeting 2022wk14
Minutes of Meeting state: pending approval by the Oniro Marketing Committee
* Date: 2022-04-06
* Time: from 15:00 to 16:00 UTC
* Oniro WG Marketing Committee Meeting: 15:00 to 15:30 UTC
* Oniro WG Marketing Committee All Marketing Representatives: 15:30 to 16:00 UTC
* Chair: Chiara DelFabbro
* Minutes taker: Carlo Piana
* Join via Zoom
* #link <>
* Meeting ID: 875 6280 2390
* Passcode: 682767
## Agenda
Oniro WG Marketing Committee Meeting
* Approval of the Minutes of Meeting from 2022-03-23 - Chiara 5 minutes
* IP transfer to EF - Chiara 10 minutes
* Resolutions - 5 min
* AoB - 10 min
Oniro WG Marketing Committee All Marketing Representatives
* Marketing Plan: initial draft - Chiara 15 minutes
* Social media accounts - Shanda & Chiara 10 min
* AoB (Open Floor) - 5 min
## Attendees
### Oniro WG Marketing Committee Meeting
Oniro WG Marketing Committee Members (Quorum = 1 of 2 for this Meeting. Ballots and resolutions require 2 of 2):
* Chiara Del Fabbro (Huawei)
* Carlo Piana (Array)
Marketing Committee Regrets:
Other Attendees:
* Aurore Perchet (Huawei alternate)
Eclipse Foundation:
* Clark Roundy
* Agustin Benito Bethencourt
Oniro WG Marketing Committee All Marketing Representatives
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## Minutes
### Oniro WG Marketing Committee Meeting
#### Approval of the Minutes of Meeting from 2022-03-23
#link <>
#### IP transfer to EF
#### Resolutions
#### AoB
### Oniro WG Marketing Committee All Marketing Representatives
#### Marketing Plan: initial draft
#### Social media accounts
#### AoB
## Links and references
* Repository where you will find the agenda and meeting minutes #link <>
* AoB: Any Other Business
* MoM: Minutes of Meeting