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resolves #7 clarify site licenses

This MR is a draft because I have the following questions:

  1. In the list of third-party libraries and tools, I linked to the respective project's git repository instead of its home page. Do we want use this pattern or do you want me to link to a project's home page (if it has one)?
  2. I listed the third-party libraries and tools related to the production and display of the website, not necessarily dev dependencies. Are there any other libraries you want me to add to the list in the License file?

Other notes:

I know the statement about trademarks is repeated in the intro paragraph and the following section, but in legal stuff, dry repetitive language has to happen occasionally so everything is clear (as mud 😆).

I linked to AsciiDoc brand guidelines in the repo when referring to the usage guidelines, however, I noticed that other projects have a link to their brand guidelines right in their little card on (see IOT and Jakarta as examples). When we get that link set up (not now, it's not a blocker, I know we're all 💫 busy), the link in the License file can be updated.

Edited by Sarah White

Merge request reports