Prioritized labels 0
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Other labels 30
Community Contribution
Eclipse Research Labs / CODECO Project / Use-Cases / P1-SmartCity / websocketpp
Contribution from a Community member
Eclipse Research Labs / CODECO Project / Use-Cases / P1-SmartCity / websocketpp
Issue is confirmed
Deployed on Kind
Eclipse Research Labs / CODECO Project / Use-Cases
The UC Partner managed to complete the deployment of CODECO using KinD and with all pods in `RUNNING` state.
Deployed on Premise
Eclipse Research Labs / CODECO Project / Use-Cases
The UC Partner managed to complete the deployment of CODECO on Premise and with all pods in `RUNNING` state.
Eclipse Research Labs / CODECO Project / Use-Cases / P1-SmartCity / websocketpp
Eclipse Research Labs / CODECO Project / Use-Cases / P1-SmartCity / websocketpp
Help Wanted
Eclipse Research Labs / CODECO Project / Use-Cases / P1-SmartCity / websocketpp
Help is needed to complete this work
High Priority
Eclipse Research Labs / CODECO Project / Use-Cases / P1-SmartCity / websocketpp
Eclipse Research Labs / CODECO Project / Use-Cases / P1-SmartCity / websocketpp
Eclipse Research Labs / CODECO Project
Used when the issue appeared in a KinD kubernetes environment
Eclipse Research Labs / CODECO Project
Used when the issue appeared in a microk8s kubernetes environment
Plain K8s
Eclipse Research Labs / CODECO Project
Used when the issue appeared in a baremetal kubernetes environment