* Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
#include "aidge/data/Data.hpp"
* This class manages the raw data storage of a Tensor and provide generic copy
* primitives from other devices and from/to host.
* It can own the data or not (use setRawPtr() to set an external data owner).
* It only knows the data type and data capacity, but does not handle anything else.
TensorImpl(const char *backend, int device = 0) : mBackend(backend), mDevice(device){};
* Return the (backend, device) pair for this implementation.
std::pair<std::string, int> device() const { return std::make_pair(mBackend, mDevice); }
* Set the device ID for current backend.
* @param device New device ID on current backend.
virtual void setDevice(int device) = 0;
* Copy data from the same device.
* @param src Pointer on current implementation device.
* @param offset Destination offset (in number of elements).
virtual void copy(const void *src, NbElts_t length, NbElts_t offset = 0) = 0;
* Copy-convert data from the same device.
* @param srcDt Source data type.
* @param src Pointer on current implementation device.
virtual void copyCast(const void *src, NbElts_t length, const DataType srcDt) = 0;
* Copy data from an other device on the same backend.
* @param device (backend, device) pair to copy from. The backend must match current implementation backend.
* @param src Pointer on current implementation backend.
virtual void copyFromDevice(const void *src, NbElts_t length, const std::pair<std::string, int>& device) = 0;
* Copy data from host.
* @param src Host pointer to copy from.
virtual void copyFromHost(const void *src, NbElts_t length) = 0;
* Copy data to host.
* @param src Host pointer to copy to.
virtual void copyToHost(void *dst, NbElts_t length) const = 0;
* Return the raw device pointer.
* The raw pointer is garanteed to be valid only on the *same* device.
virtual void* rawPtr() = 0;
virtual const void* rawPtr() const = 0;
* Return the host pointer.
* If the implementation does not have a valid host pointer, nullptr is returned.
virtual void* hostPtr() { return nullptr; };
virtual const void* hostPtr() const { return nullptr; };
* Get the device pointer with an offset (in number of elements).
virtual void* getRawPtr(NbElts_t idx) = 0;
* Sets the device pointer. The previously owned data is deleted.
* UNSAFE: directly setting the device pointer may lead to undefined behavior
* if it does not match the required storage.
* @param ptr A valid device pointer.
virtual void setRawPtr(void* /*ptr*/, NbElts_t /*length*/)
AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Cannot set raw pointer for backend %s", mBackend);
virtual std::size_t size() const = 0; // Storage size
virtual std::size_t scalarSize() const = 0; // Size of one scalar (in bytes)
constexpr const char *backend() const { return mBackend; }
virtual ~TensorImpl() = default;
virtual bool operator==(const TensorImpl &othImpl) const = 0;
* Copy from another backend.
* @param srcImpl Source TensorImpl to copy from.
* @param length Number of elements of size scalarSize() to copy
void copyFrom(const TensorImpl& srcImpl, NbElts_t length);
#endif /* AIDGE_TENSORIMPL_H_ */