* Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include <set>
#include "aidge/data/Tensor.hpp"
#include "aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp"
#include "aidge/operator/Add.hpp"
#include "aidge/operator/FC.hpp"
#include "aidge/operator/MatMul.hpp"
#include "aidge/operator/Producer.hpp"
#include "aidge/recipies/Recipies.hpp"
TEST_CASE("[cpu/recipies] FuseMulAdd", "[FuseMulAdd][recipies]") {
// generate the original GraphView

Maxence Naud
auto add0 = Add(2, "add0");

Maxence Naud
auto add1 = Add(2, "add1");
auto b0 = Producer({5}, "B0");
auto w0 = Producer({5, 5}, "W0");
auto b1 = Producer({5}, "B1");
auto w1 = Producer({5,5},"W1");
auto input = Producer({2,5}, "input");
input->addChild(matmul0, 0, 0);
w0->addChild(matmul0, 0, 1);
matmul0->addChild(add0, 0, 0);
b0->addChild(add0, 0, 1);
add0->addChild(matmul1, 0, 0);
w1->addChild(matmul1, 0, 1);
matmul1->addChild(add1, 0, 0);
b1->addChild(add1, 0, 1);
auto g = std::make_shared<GraphView>();
g->add({w0, matmul0, b0, add0, w1, matmul1, b1, add1});
// Check original graph
REQUIRE(g->getNodes() ==
std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>>({w0, matmul0, b0, add0, w1, matmul1, b1, add1}));
REQUIRE(((matmul0->getParent(0) == input) && (matmul0->getParent(1) == w0)));
REQUIRE(((add0->getParent(0) == matmul0) && (add0->getParent(1) == b0)));
REQUIRE(((matmul1->getParent(0) == add0) && (matmul1->getParent(1) == w1)));
REQUIRE(((add1->getParent(0) == matmul1) && (add1->getParent(1) == b1)));
// Transform GraphView inplace
// Check new GraphView
std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> newNodes = g->getNodes();
REQUIRE(newNodes != std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>>({w0, matmul0, b0, add0, w1, matmul1, b1, add1}));
REQUIRE(newNodes.size() == 6);
for (const auto& node : newNodes) {
REQUIRE(((node->type() == "Producer") || (node->type() == "FC")));