1. Create repo and set up ESCET development environment (IDE).
Set up a git repository to contribute to ESCET, such that we (RWS) can maintain our own documentation and planning, while being able to coordinate with ESCET developers to ensure that our work can be contributed back to ESCET master when finished.
Create a Gitlab repository for the project (fork the ESCET repository according to their guidelines). Use an ESCET/RWS developer account (create if needed). -
Clone the repository locally and set up the development environment so that we can create our own ESCET builds. -
Set up proper tooling (debugger, logger, tests, checkstyle, build automation, etc) for efficient development. -
Create summary issue for ESCET developers on their repo (eclipse/escet/escet#272 (closed)). -
(Update:) Create board / summary issues for RWS in Azure DevOps (https://dev.azure.com/Rijkswaterstaat/OSR-AOA-Java/_boards/board/t/ESCET/Stories).
- ESCET: https://eclipse.dev/escet (Eclipse distribution/toolkit).
- Git: https://eclipse.dev/escet/development/development/contributing.html (ESCET open-source repo).
- Develop: https://eclipse.dev/escet/development/development/building-and-testing.html (developing ESCET).
Edited by Rik Lubking