[BUG] Cannot run verif/regress/benchmark.sh
Created by: ferrandf
Is there an existing CVA6 bug for this?
I have searched the existing bug issues
Bug Description
After setting the toolchain as indicated in util/gcc-toolchain-builder/README.md, and following the main README.md, I am not able to run correctly the benchmark test (verif/regress/benchmark.sh). I am able, however, to run the rest (smoke-test.sh, dv-riscv-arch-test.sh).
I have set:
- export RISCV=/home/ferrandf/ma/MA-cva6-reliability/util/gcc-toolchain-builder
- export DV _SIMULATORS=veri-testharness
- export VERILATOR_ROOT=/home/ferrandf/ma/MA-cva6-reliability/tools/verilator-v5.008
Does anyone have a clue of what could be happening?