[BUG] Illegal instruction not raising exception
Created by: AyoubJalali
Is there an existing CVA6 bug for this?
I have searched the existing bug issues
Bug Description
Hello, After merging the H extension, I run a regression to see if, the added code not affecting our code coverage on not supported H extension target. What I saw after a regression, a lot of falling tests due to mismatch between the CVA6, and Spike, after reproducing the failing tests, I had some illegal instruction not raising exception on the CVA6 side. as an example : 0xfeb00073 also 0x88adcb73 and more.
It seems as a SYSTEM instruction, but I don't know if it's H extension instructions to be honest, what I'm sure about the this BUG, appear after the merge of the H extension, and with a target that doesn't support H extension (RVH = 0).
Spike Version: 1.1.1-dev 958a5cb6 CVA6 HASH: 86e14086
So to reproduce the BUG here is 2 examples of assembly code has the BUG :