[TASK] Cadence simulator support
Created by: CoralieAllioux
Is there an existing CVA6 task for this?
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Task Description
Support additional simulator: Cadence xcelium. The support concerns uvm and testharness. It needs to be transparent for VCS users and adapt to the current flow.
Required Changes
Two new DV_SIMULATOR options to be add: xrun-uvm and xrun-testharness. It implies:
- UVM/RTL fixes in cva6 and core-v-verif
- Adapt cva6/verif/sim/Makefile
- Adapt cva6/verif/sim/cva6.yaml
- Adapt cva6/verif/sim/cva6-simulator.yaml
- Adapt cva6/verif/env/corev-dv/simulator.yaml
Probably additional files would be impacted and could be forgotten.
Current Status
In progress xrun-uvm almost done with riscv-dv support
Fixes to run a new simulator might not be straight forward and challenge the current file hierarchy or methodology.
No response
KPI (KEY Performance Indicators)
No response
Description of Done
Complete vcs flow supported by Cadence Xcelium, while using DV_SIMULATOR xrun-uvm and xrun-testharness.
Associated PRs
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