[TASK] Data scratchpad integration
Created by: CoralieAllioux
Is there an existing CVA6 task for this?
I have searched the existing task issues
Task Description
Integration of data scratchpad into the cva6 core. It means to have an additional memory closed to the core, which bypassed the cache. It can be charged at reset and received load and store instructions if the address corresponds to its defined space.
Required Changes
- Add AHB interface to cva6 top to charge scratchpad at reset
- Adapt LSU to bypass the cache and make the request to the data scratchpad instead
- Add SRAM and controller to interact with the core and AHB interface
- Memory map update: dedicated space for data scratchpad
A new cva6 configuration will be created: the name is still to be defined (probably petit robert).
Current Status
RTL done, verification in progress
cva6 interface update and memory map update. Could have a max frequency impact if enable, depending on the data scratchpad size.
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KPI (KEY Performance Indicators)
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Description of Done
PR done in cva6 master. Data scratchpad functional for dedicated configuration, with dedicated tests.
Associated PRs
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