[BUG] MSTATUS MPP incorrect read value after write
Created by: MarioOpenHWGroup
Is there an existing CVA6 bug for this?
I have searched the existing bug issues
Bug Description
When CVA6 is in embedded configuration (Only M mode) MPP field has just one possible value 0b11
. As the MPP field is WARL, it should read a legal value after a write which it can only be 0b11
in the MPP field.
Hash: cd0ade19
How to Reproduce:
source ./verif/sim/setup-env.sh
python3 cva6.py --testlist=../tests/testlist_csr_embedded.yaml --test csr_test --iss_yaml cva6.yaml --target cv32a6_embedded --iss=vcs-testharness
In the output/$(date)/vcs-testharness_sim/csr_test.log
75 core 0: 0x000000008000003e (0x000062f9) c.lui t0, 0x1e
76 3 0x000000008000003e (0x62f9) x 5 0x0001e000
77 core 0: 0x0000000080000040 (0x3002a073) csrs mstatus, t0
78 3 0x0000000080000040 (0x3002a073)
A 0x0001e000
value is written which should produce a 0x00001800
when read (MPP set to 0b11
as MPP is WARL)
847 core 0: 0x00000000800020ec (0x30002773) csrr a4, mstatus
848 3 0x00000000800020ec (0x30002773) x14 0x00000000