[BUG] ASIC synthesis failed related to ariane_pkg.sv
Created by: andriami
Is there an existing CVA6 bug for this?
I have searched the existing bug issues
Bug Description
I am trying to implement the CVA6 on ASIC by using the proposed flow. I have errors related to ariane_pkg.sv synthesis.
Compiling source file ../..//core/include/ariane_pkg.sv
Error: ../..//core/include/ariane_pkg.sv:169: Package 'ariane_pkg' has not been analyzed for import or content extraction. (VER-224)
This is due to the use of ariane_pkg inside the ariane_pkg itself.
localparam int unsigned INSTR_PER_FETCH = RVC == 1'b1 ? (FETCH_WIDTH / 16) : 1;
localparam int unsigned LOG2_INSTR_PER_FETCH = RVC == 1'b1 ? $clog2(
) : 1;
To resolve this issue, I removed the ariane_pkg before INSTR_PER_FETCH.
localparam int unsigned INSTR_PER_FETCH = RVC == 1'b1 ? (FETCH_WIDTH / 16) : 1;
localparam int unsigned LOG2_INSTR_PER_FETCH = RVC == 1'b1 ? $clog2(
) : 1;
Do you know another way of solving this issue?