Zero PMA regions,attribution mismatch between cv32e40x_mpu_sva and cv32e40x_pma
Created by: silabs-hfegran
Zero PMA regions,attribution mismatch between cv32e40x_mpu_sva and cv32e40x_pma
Given 0 PMA regions, PMA code still takes trans_debug_region_i
into account, while mpu assertions do not.
Occurred during simulation, and confirmed by code inspection - causes mismatches with atomic bit as that bit is enabled in the default configuration, and disallowed within the debug region:
if(PMA_NUM_REGIONS == 0) begin: no_pma
always_comb begin
// PMA is deconfigured, use NO_PMA_R_DEFAULT as default.
pma_cfg = NO_PMA_R_DEFAULT;
// Debug mode transactions within the Debug Module region use PMA_DBG as attributes for the DM range
if (trans_debug_region_i) begin
pma_cfg = PMA_DBG;
always_comb begin
pma_expected_cfg = NO_PMA_R_DEFAULT;
if (PMA_NUM_REGIONS) begin
pma_expected_cfg = is_pma_dbg_matched ? '{main : 1'b1, default : '0} :
is_pma_matched ? PMA_CFG[pma_lowest_match] : PMA_R_DEFAULT;
Steps to Reproduce
Please provide:
- core git hash: 8f4eb4cc
- Command line:
make comp_corev-dv gen_corev-dv test TEST=corev_rand_interrupt_debug CFG=clic_default USE_ISS=YES COV=YES RUN_INDEX=483 GEN_START_INDEX=483 RNDSEED=-585695672 WAVES=1
Note that the above state of core-v-verif is missing the appropriate debug region settings; the following two lines of code must be added inside the last else clause in the file after the line containingconst string pma_cfg_name = "pma_noregion"
parameter logic [31:0] CORE_PARAM_DM_REGION_START = 32'h1A11_0000;
parameter logic [31:0] CORE_PARAM_DM_REGION_END = 32'h1A11_1000;
These will be added by an upcoming PR to core-v-verif