misa value for B extension incorrect when configuring B_EXT
Created by: strichmo
Steps to Reproduce
Please provide:
- Use this core-v-verif URL and hash https://github.com/strichmo/core-v-verif 5e2e130a9949ae2e4055b119a6830f310ab1f15a
- Run the b_ext_test
- makeuvmt test TEST=b_ext_test CFG=b_ext_abs
The test iterates through one execution of each Zba, Zbb, and Zbc instruction. However the test should immediately fail because the misa CSR does not set the B extension bit.
UVM_ERROR @ 48.300 ns : uvme_cv32e40x_core_sb.sv(370) uvm_test_top.env.core_sb [CORESB] CSR Mismatch, order: 1, csr: misa, rvfi = 0x40001104, rvvi = 0x40001106