Document immediate sign-extend for PULP post-increment loads/stores
Created by: Silabs-ArjanB
For the following instructions the documentation does not indicate that the immediate is sign-extended:
- rD, Imm(rs1!)
- p.lbu rD, Imm(rs1!)
- p.lh rD, Imm(rs1!)
- p.lhu rD, Imm(rs1!)
- p.lw rD, Imm(rs1!)
- rs2, Imm(rs1!)
- rs2, Imm(rs1!)
- p.sw rs2, Imm(rs1!)
My proposal would be to replace 'rs1 += Imm[11:0]' by 'rs1 += Sext(Imm[11:0])' in their descriptions.