Proposal stage
The proposal stage, according to the Eclipse Foundation Working Group Process, is described as...
The Proposal Phase starts when the draft Working Group Charter is posted to the website by the Eclipse Foundation for public review and announced to the Eclipse Membership At-Large.
The draft Working Group Charter is used as the primary means of describing the Working Group to potential Participant Members and the community at large. While in the Proposal Phase, the Eclipse Foundation works with the Lead Organization to recruit a collection of initiating Members and drive the creation of the Working Group.
Primary activities during this phase are to create and promote the Recruiting Materials, identify and describe services and required infrastructure, complete the Working Group Charter, and actively recruit initiating Members. The Proposal Phase will last no less than fourteen (14) days.
At the end of the Proposal Phase, subject to the initiating Participants’ compliance with the terms of this Policy, the Executive Director’s approval of the initial Charter, and feedback from the community, the Executive Director will determine whether or not to create the Working Group.
Success criteria:
Recruiting Materials and plan created;
Services and required infrastructure identified;
Initial Working Group Charter published;
Minimum of three Participants committed; and
Executive Director approval.
Upon completion of these criteria, the Working Group enters the Incubation Phase.