If you are interested in joining Oniro Working Group or any of the subprojects please read below.
## Join the Oniro Working Group
If your organization is evaluating the possibility to join the Oniro Working Group, it is recommended to follow these steps:
1. Check the [Working Groups Explore](https://www.eclipse.org/org/workinggroups/explore.php) page and find the Oniro Working Group.
1. Read carefully the [Oniro Working Group Charter](https://www.eclipse.org/org/workinggroups/oniro-charter.php) linked in the Oniro section, which includes the scope and governance as well as the membership fees.
2. Download and read carefully the [Oniro Participation Agreement](https://www.eclipse.org/org/workinggroups/wgpa/oniro-working-group-participation-agreement.pdf), that should be signed by any organization willing to join the Oniro Working Group.
3. If you have any question regarding the above documentation or what to get in contact with the Eclipse Foundation Staff for support, please contact them via the [Oniro Working Group Contact Form](https://accounts.eclipse.org/contact/membership).
2. Contact other organizations contributing to Oniro
1. Join the Oniro default discussion channel, which is the [oniro-wg mailing list](https://accounts.eclipse.org/mailing-list/oniro-wg). If you are not already an Eclipse Foundation Member or Committer, you might have to [get a EF account](https://accounts.eclipse.org) first.
2. Join the Oniro meetings that take place through video chat on regular basis. All the information about them is located in the [Meetings wiki page](/Meetings). You can find there the [Oniro Calendar](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=Y19kNzN2bmpqMzZydWZ2b3JhMzJnZGZjODUwOEBncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t) as well as the information to import it in your own calendaring tool.
3. Check the [oniro-wg mailing list archive](https://www.eclipse.org/lists/oniro-wg/index.html) as well as the meeting minutes, included in the [Meetings wiki page](/Meetings), to learn about the most relevant discussions held.
3. Check the Oniro landing page [oniroproject.org](https://oniroproject.org/) to learn more about Oniro and evaluate the [assets being transferred](https://oniroproject.org/resource-center/) to the Eclipse Foundation as part of the Oniro projects and Working Group.
## Join the Oniro Projects
* You can find the most relevant information about the Oniro Top Level Project as well as the coming subprojects in the [project page](https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/oniro).
Eclipse Foundation and the engineers behind Oniro are currently in the process of migrating the code, infrastructure, services and tools from the former infrastructure to Eclipse Foundation one. The existing assets are already Open Source. Currently, the first project proposal is under [community review](https://projects.eclipse.org/reviews/eclipse-oniro-core-platform-creation-review) until January 12th.
Meanwhile, you can join our [community chat channel](https://docs.oniroproject.org/en/latest/community-chat-platform.html) and ask there how to participate or contribute, because you can, despite the transition process: [#oniroproject_ channel at libera.chat](https://web.libera.chat/#oniroproject)
# Contribute to Eclipse's Oniro
Reference documentation is published at:
* https://docs.oniroproject.org/en/latest/contributing/
Here are tips for to contribute to oniro,
please add TODO if unclear and ping @pcoval for support
For eclipse projects (hosted elsewhere than booting.oniroproject.org project)
- user should join Eclipse
- from user page :
- https://accounts.eclipse.org/
- set affiliation
- set company email to the main address
- currently there is only one possible (no alias allowed)
- so it should be same email for mailing lists and git commits and probably other services
- This is problem to be reported, please vote at:
- https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipsefdn/helpdesk/-/issues/524
- Then email should be confirmed by clicking on a validation link
- on right you need to "sign" some commitment regarding legal policy, (it's just a field to confirm)
- once confirmed you should be able to pass ECA/CLA bots, examples:
- https://accounts.eclipse.org/legal/eca/validation/90648
- https://github.com/EclipseFdn/fosdem2021-content/pull/5
Then please join the technical discussion mailing list:
- https://accounts.eclipse.org/mailing-list/oniro-dev
Other ways to join Oniro:
- https://oniroproject.org/join-us/